HERE'S DA HOUSE!!!! this is what the prayer room looks like.
well...for the first time it's raining in KC.
i kinda like it though 'cause it's brought the temp down a lot.
umm...i don't really know where to begin. yesterday was one of the longest days of my life, but at the same time, it was so amazing. like every monday will be, burn class ruined me.
For the first hour we basically cry out to God. wow! i honestly can't really to put words what God is doing in me. He's continually putting truths within me and pushing out the lies. it's just so amazing to see these things coming out. the real focus of the class this week was from Jer 9:23-23.
"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this,
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth."
this just never stops bewildering me. that all God wants us to glory in is knowing Him. experiencing Him. WOW!!!
also the fact of what true worship is. have i been religious with the way that i'm connecting with God? in fact, am i even connecting with Him? am i singing and worshiping Him but yet my heart doesn't have the revelation of what i'm saying? ouch!! this is so good. especially 'cause i sometimes find myself just singing songs 'cause i know them. it's good!
i probably could write a book with all that He's doing. it's so good yet it's hard, but it's amazing too. it's just so cool to see how He's willing to take away all that gets in the way of His love for me.
here are some of the best things i've learned yet.
You will never enjoy God more than your revelation of God enjoying you in your weakness.
God likes us all the time, that's pretty hard to not respond to in liking Him back.
Declare war on any area of compromise in your life!!!! this is SO IMPORTANT!!!!
Until I have confidence in His love for me, i'll never truly behold His true beauty.
well...i gotta go listen to the history of ihop.
today was great! thanks for all your prayers they were for sure felt while i was in the prayer room today. every tuesday gets seeminly easier and more enjoyable. i wuv ya!
good bye my love,
what's up peeps??
sorry i didn't get to write yesterday, i was mega busy. i think saturdays are our busiest day of the week.
one of our classes, grid class, was phenomenal. Wes, one of our leaders, challenged us to do our part to seek after who God is. what it means to know the beauty of the Lord.
we're so used to a life of go, go, go and when do we ever slow down? when do we ever really apply our mind, our strength, and stop to meditate(ponder) on the bible and what it says about the beauty of the Lord.
Psalm 145:5 "I will
meditate on the
glorious splendor of Your majesty and Your wondrous works."
Why do we have this unspoken urgency to get through a book of the bible?
When we close our eyes, what does HE look like?
We can train our minds to apply our understanding and get revelation from a few words.
Our challenge:
REFUSE to move on UNTIL our heart is moved!!!!
Wow!! it's awesome 'cause we can take all that we're challenged w/ and take it to the house, God's house! hahaha
we can go into the prayer room for hours and reflect on the "glorious splendor of His majesty". i mean...what does that mean, and i have to really fight to be engaged and to allow this to move my heart. dang, this is so good. plus, my understanding and feelings for God are totally being ruined and rebuilt from spending time with Him.
today was my 2nd day of work and it went really well. we're such a good team together that we finished an hour earlier than expected.
we also had our intern sunday service. it was a great opportunity to work on the worship model and really go after God all together.
i'm off the rest of the night until service at 6. i'll probably take me a nap, i'm beat.
mim and rebs- thanks for the packages!
jen-thanks for saying hi and for the encouragement! keep the mim under control for me! haha
leah-thanks for the card!
I LOVE MAIL!!! haha it's so fun. thanks-o-lot
keeks- i'm wearing my beads today and thinking of you.
i hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday. be blessed.
peace in the middle east,
let me just say that laffy taffy's have the dumbest jokes i've ever heard. haha. i don't have any right now for you guys, but i thought i'd spare you all from the pain. haha i've gotten some good ones in the past, but not from the pack that we got apparently. haha
my day off was wonderful. i was able to chat w/ several peeps. that was great. i didn't think that i was gonna be able to get off the 'base' at all 'cause my COM leader, jocelyn, went on vacation and took her car w/. but i was able to snag a ride and sit in on a worship practice for another team at the old ihop base.
the practice got a little long, so a katie(my roomie), steve, joel and i all went to starbucks to relax afterwards. that was really cool. i got to know them all a bit more.
i've been in the prayer room all day enjoying misty jammin, and about 250 teens. haha it's fun. this is the last month of the teen internships, so in about 3 weeks we'll have the base to ourselves and it'll be less hectic around here. i like the exposure though 'cause i miss the youth group kids like crazy.
God has been really revealing more of Himself as Father. it's amazing and i love the daily revelation. it just encourages me that we can always be pursuing and pressing into Him and be strenthened to know Him in a deeper way, ALWAYS!!
bright and early tomorrow @ about 7:30am i get to go clean at the school of ministry for about 2 hours. haha i'm excited. all that cleaning at MTU will pay off now.
well... i wanted to give you all my schedule, since i have a more consistent one now, so you know what i'm doing.
Monday 8-10 Clean FSM
10-12 Prayer room
12-1 Lunch
1-5 Com class
6-7 Dinner
7:30-10:30 Burn class
8am-6pm Prayer Room
7-10 IHOP History
8am-10 Prayer Room
12-1 Lunch
1-4 Worship Training
5-6 Dinner
7-10 Prayer Room
ThursdayDAY OFF!!!!!
Friday8-10 Prayer Room
12-1 Lunch
1-5 Prayer Room
5-6 Dinner
7-10 FSM for EGS (Forunner School of Ministry for Encountering God Sevice )
10-11:30 Prayer Room
Saturday8-10 Clean FSM
10-12 Grid Class
12-1 Lunch
1-5 Prayer Room
5-6 Dinner
7-10 FSM for EGS
8-10 Clean FSM
9:45-1pm Intern Prayer Meeting
1-2 Lunch
5-6 Dinner
6-9 FSM for FCF (Forerunner Christian Fellowship Service)
I've gotta jet, talk to you soon.
Mimmy! i love you!! and i miss you. i hope your computer works so we can chat!
with love,
hey there everyone.
it's been another hot one today. so hot that he weather people warned us to not be outside for any extended periods of time. so i've been chillin inside on my day off!
how nice it was to sleep in! yeeehaww!! i'm getting piano/keyboard lessons from one of my roomies. i love it. it's fun!
i just had dinner and now we're going to practice for our worship service on sunday. gotta run, but i love having thrusdays off that's for sure!!
i'll write more tomorrow. peace.

Girls in the cafeteria. Go girls!!!
it's a hot one!!!
holy cow! let me tell you that it's a blazin here in KC. not like i'm outside that much, praise the Lord for air conditioning, but it's still very hot!
last night we listened to 3 (long) hours of the prophetic history of IHOP. 25 girls jam packed into one apartment. haha fun!
today we had a wonderful time in the prayer room from 8-10. it's been great getting up early, and having devo time w/ my God! i love it.
i was gonna leave for break, but then they started intercession for the nations!! whoop whoop!!! i loved it! and let's say that every wednesday from 10-12, i'll be praying for the nations. it's awesome that God is molding my heart and giving me even more of a burden for the nations!
we got placed on our worship teams today and got to practice. i'm pumped 'cause our team really meshed well. we'll be singing every other sunday for our internship prayer meetings.
which leads me to the auditions for the house. haha i'm laughing 'cause it was a good time, only 4 people made it from our internship and all these people, are let's just say....AMAZING!!! haha so no biggy. i'm fine w/ it and if God leads i'll have a chance each month to try again.
well...i'm off to dinner and then a prayer meeting for our internship from 7:45-10.
keely-i'll for sure be praying for you and those you're leading. sounds awesome thus far, and God is really going to use you!!
mike-thanks so much for saying hi. keep in touch man.
ohhh yeah!!! TOMORROW IS MY DAY OFF!!! yeeeeehaaaa. so, if anyone wants to call me, thursdays are the days! just not too too early! haha
love ya like butta,
God is Everywhere!!
did that scare you?? i hope it did, 'cause it's been scarying me this past week. He sees all, knows all, and hears all. talk about fear of the Lord. haha it's been a nutso ride the past 24 hours.
last night i had burn class. let's just say that God blew me up instead of just 'burning' me. haha it was so amazing! i wish i could send you all the tape of it. i'm so excited because a lot of lies that i've believed for my whole life are being exposed and the truth is setting me free!
corey russell was challenging us with so many things.
who is God? really? who is he? what does he feel?
he was just laying it all out there. that God is going to rob us like a theif and put His true treasures within us this 6 months. wow man...
another thing that struck me was that because of things that have happened to all of us in our past, people wrongly shaping our views of who God is, we have wrong ideas of truly who HE REALLY IS. He is a God who cares, who knows, who sees, who has compassion, who feels, etc...
if any of you have ever heard the cd days of noah, well...let's just say that my burn class is like that every monday night for 3 hours for the whole 6 months! dang! i'm gonna be a changed woman! i'm really excited for what God has in store for our internship as a whole.
i just finished a most exciting day in the prayer room. every tuesday is a corporate meeting for the interns along w/ the ihop staff and others, so there were like 500 people here almost all day!!
i have a little break now and then we have a class from 7-10, listening to the history of ihop a 12 CD series done by Mike Bickle.
i could really use some prayer on Tuesdays!! so if anyone wants to 'pledge' that they'll pray for me xtra hard on tuesdays that would be greatly appreciated.
i fast every tuesday along w/ being in the prayer room continually from 8am-6pm. it's for sure rockin and i can already feel people's prayers helping me get by and i'm leaning on the Lord. it's so great!
i also really felt that we need to start hardcore praying for the overall church in Duluth. i have even a bigger burden now that i'm here and it's ruining me! haha in a good way. but can i ask for anyone/whoever to jump on w/ me for asking God to pour out His Spirit and truth in the churches of duluth, and that He'll bring unity? i know that our Father hears us, and desires for His children to ask Him for things! SO LET'S ASK FOR DULUTH!!!!!
Prayer Requests:
* that i wouldn't be attacked, especially after God moves and changes my heart, i've been feeling really under attack w/ that
*that our internship will become unified and seek after God with all we have. that the hunger would only increase within us to truly find out who God is.
much love from the 'show me' state! haha whatever that means....
What's up ya'll....
okay, so i'm kinda getting a southern drawwwwl... no no!!! i swore i'd never do it, but yes, it comes out SOME times. i'm trying really hard not to pick it up, so you don't need to fret.
Well..it's been about a day and i haven't written. what is wrong w/ me??
j/k, it's been pretty hectic here and we've just started our new schedule. our 'real' sched.
so basically i'm going all day from 6am-11pm. it's nuts, but most of it's in the prayer room. and what would i be doing if we didn't have scheduled stuff? it's just so cool to see what you can do to praise God throughout your day instead of being lazy and only engaging yourself for 15 minutes a day. so 6 hours in the prayer room will be my norm basically. and "I'm SO EXCITED, i just can't hide it!!"
i tried out today for singing in the house. it was semi-nerveracking. we had to get up in front of all and sing a verse to the chords given. i did okay, not my best, but i'm thankful for the experience and will have chances every month to keep trying out. we'll find out later next week. no biggy.
thank you all so much for the support. i'm loving it! absolutly loving it! it really means a lot and helps my days go by. knowing that there are people thinking and praying for me really is impacting. so....SEND ME SNAIL MAIL!!! i command you to!! haha jk jk. but if you want me to feel cool, then you know what to do!! haha
tonight we have our 1st official class w/ corey russel for about 3 hrs. it'll be rockin' i'm sure, especially because the name of the class is 'BURN CLASS'.
God never ceases to reveal more and more of Himself to me every time i set foot in the prayer room, as well as throughout my day. He's really calling me to be close to Him and to know that i have an audience of One. Oh how i love what He's doing and am excited for what is to come. Please be praying that His word will come alive in my heart and that I'll truly realize the love that He has for me!
elisa- thanks so much for the card, it blessed me.
rebs- thanks for just being you! i love your support like i always say, and yeah, i'm taking care of your laptop. hehe
elle- thank you for the talks and for keeping the nasty words going! haha
drew- i hope you're feeling better. Get a job In JESUS' name!!!!
leah- where are you? i miss you my love!!!!
jordan- FEEL BETTER!!!!!! call me on thursday
keely in the house- ohh how i miss saying that! hope all is well w/ your job. keep me posted.
cara- are you out there!! i'll call you when i can.
lexi- i hope you're feeling better too. i'm needing a chat w/ you sooner than later.
mim- I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
i hope i didn't forget anyone, and if i did, please give me some grace, but i do love you all as you know and i'm praying for you daily. keep me posted.
peace out,
A few more.
bathroom, living room(sorry it's so dark), & bedro

Sorry if they're all aligned funky. give me some grace.
i'm new at this blog thingy. haha

Here are a few pics of our place. the kitchen, our view of the nice pool we have, and our "dining room".Enjoy.

Aren't we hot?? Here are my ladies!
good afternoon!
so...after sitting through 3 hours of video of the harp and bowl worship model, here i am. we also got a chance to sing, so fun!
i'm finally in the prayer room only for a bit. the weekends here are pretty hectic, but it's good. i'm getting a feel for how everything works.
i'm thrilled to help work with the kids in the children's equipping center tomorrow for their morning service! should be a blast.
i've decided to just go for it and audition for the house on monday. which means that after about 4 months, if i make it, i'd be able to sing w/ the teams in the actual house of prayer. how cool.
i hope everything is going well with everyone. keep me updated ya'll.
love ya tons,
hey there.
just a quick hello.
we were in the prayer room from 8-12 today. amazing like usual.
now i'm on a break but helping clean dishes from lunch!! woop woop. it's stinkin hot here! woof!
anywho, thank you all for writing me, i enjoy it. you can snail mail me too if you wish! that would be great!
peace out. i love you and i'll probably post some pics later. byebye.
yo yo yo. SHALOM!!!i hope all is well w/ your souls! hahathe last few days have been great. i've gotten to know a lot more about all the interns that are here 'cause we've been sharing 10 minute testimonies. it's just been cool to see our group change just in the past 2 days. it's awesome to know people a little more and we're all getting more comfortable with eachother so that's a blessing.today we've had all day off pretty much. just a few testimonies this morning and i've been in the prayer room all day. how awesome! i love it more and more everyday. it's so funny to think that when i'm not in here(prayer room) that i'm hungry for more and longing to be in here.God just reveals more and more to me every moment that i'm in here. he's really working on past issues with me right now. why i am the way i am and getting rid of the lies that i've believed for so long. it's soooooo good!!!today is one of the girl's bdays, so we're taking our dinner to go and going to IHOP's property where they have horses and all that jazz. i don't know much about it, but it'll be great i know.rebs, i hope you're reading this, 'cause you'd be in heaven here, they play shane and shane ALL the time for worship. HAHAi had team placement for worship teams yesterday. it was fun. we'll probably find out sometime soon what team we're on. i also am praying whether or not to audition to sing in the house. that'll be a stretch but also an AWESOME experience. so you can be praying for me about that. auditions are this coming up monday.i best be on my way. so keep me updated w/how you're all doing.much love,kel
i only have a few minutes, so here it is.
last night a bunch of us gave our testimonies. it was fun. we had to share an embarassing moment and yes, i told everyone that I peed my pants while sliding underneath cindy's car after attempting to irish dance!! haha
we shared more testimonies today from 10-12. lunch. now i'm chillin in the prayer room. from 2-4 we have team placement for worship teams. i'm kinda nervous, but it'll be fun i'm sure. pray for me!
i gotta go read now. so this is short and sweet. it's just hillarious to me that i actually have homework and I love reading for class. that's a first.
my first book is to read After God's Heart, by Mike Bickle. pretty funny 'cause i've already read 1/2 of it. it's good!
we start up w/ our 'normal' sched on monday the 18th. so i'll have to update ya'll (my southern drawl is coming out!! haha jk i won't adopt the accent i promise) with what a regular day looks like for me.
what a day.
well today was another day of fasting and prayer. i'm pretty sure that'll be the norm around here. haha not that i didn't know that coming in.
the service this morning was for healing and it was amazing to see how many people gather together to see God move!
we also met with our COM groups today. it's my apt. and the one below us, so about 9/10 of us. it's like a bible study basically, i'm really excited for it.
HAHA my roomies and I got a Beta fish and named it Mr. Bickle. haha i laugh every time i say it.
I have about an hour break and then all the interns are getting together to share our testimonies. should be a blast.
keely- i hope all is well w/ the new job, it's keeping you busy and that no more boys hit on you! haha i'm praying for you.
leah-so...are we EVER going to talk? haha i love phone tag. CALL ME! let me know how i can pray for ya.
drew- thanks for the support. i'll for sure be praying for the sis.
i miss everyone a lot, but it's been great to be in semi-contact w/ people. i've only been here for about 4/5 days and it's HARD you guys!!! sometimes i sit back, and i'm like 6 MONTHS??? haha yet it's so incredible i can't put into words what's going on in the inside of me.
i took a bunch more of pics of my apt. so i'll put those up sometime here.

Here are 2 of the 4 roomies i have.
(Left to Right) Erin and Katelyn
So I made it!! i just got done w/ my 10 hours in the prayer room.AWESOME!!! it went by fairly quickly too, must have been everyone's prayers. thanks!We fasted all day and tomorrow is a coorporate fast as well. I'm not sure what i'm gonna do. maybe rough it out, or just have a smoothie or something. so i said that i'd write about what Corey Russel preached about, so here it is.He had about a billion points so let's see if i can break it down. He shared about the heart of fasting.2 Cor 12:9- "My strength is made perfect in weakness"When we voluntarily make ourselves weak(fasting), God can manifest Himself through us as a broken, weak human being.Mt.9:14-15-"Then the disciples of John came to Him, saying, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but Your disciples do not fast?"And Jesus said to them, "Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast."
Jesus had spent 3 years drawing the disciples into His presence, and when He left, they mourned and yearned to be with Him. This is what will lead them to fast, He said. The fact that they're so hungry for His presence is what will draw them to EVEN give up food or whatever else they may fast from.
Luke 3:21-4:14
God announces Jesus to be "My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased."
He is then sent to the wilderness, where He's tempted for 40 days and He fasts. The enemy tries to attack the very thing that God had just spoken to Him. satan says in 4:3,"If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread."
satan tries to attack us in knowing truly who we are. WE ARE SONS of GOD and He IS pleased with us!!
When we fast, we'll lose those strongholds and lies that satan has put in our minds that we're noone and that we don't matter to God.
Luke 4:14- Jesus returned from the wilderness with power of the Spirit
Mt 17:14-21- this kind of demon can only come out with prayer and fasting
Fasting doesn't earn anything from God, but when we fast, our hearts are being prepared to recieve the free gifts from God.
So there ya have it. WOW!!!
God's just really engraining it into me that it's all about Him. which i knew before, but never like this. The reason why i do ANYTHING is from the love, passion and desire for Him!! That's my prayer!
So this is very long, but i want you all to know that I'm really enjoying myself. I'm really getting to know my roomies well and some other peeps too!
HAHA, one more thing, so i think maybe only Andrew will think this is funny, but today during one of the prayer times, guess who sat in front of me??? hahaha pacer boy! haha now, noone get the wrong idea, i'm here FOR GOD! not a man. no matter what Andrew may say!!
Peace out all! I LOVE YOU!!! CALL ME!
i'm just chillin here at FSM(forunner school of ministry) for our weekly service. Misty Edwards leading worship and Mike Bickle preaching.
we finished up orientation today. what a wonderful feeling.
then corey russel (Days of Noah CD man) taught about fasting. totally opened my eyes. HOW AMAZING!!!(to be written about later)
it was the 1st time that all of us in the internship were able to come together and pray as well. it was so powerful.
Our internship is fairly small compared to others in the past, there are only about 50 of us this time around. Which I'm very pumped about, because then I'll possibly have more of a chance to get to know everyone's names. haha
we made our 1st trip to Walmart today. there will be no troubles w/ me not having BIG RED, 'cause my COM leader has a car. thank God!
i'm excited for what's going to happen tomorrow during our 10 hours in the prayer room. it's gonna for sure ROCK MY SOCKS OFF!!! Please be praying for me especially for tomorrow, it'll be intense.
i love you all and can't wait to hear from peeps.
let me know how you're doing!!!
with much love,
I'm back for just a bit.
I just wanted to post my address and all my contact info for you all!
Kelly Larson
3517 E. Red Bridge Rd
Kansas City, MO 64137
home# 816-763-4628
cell# 218-213-8150
I also wanted to let anyone who was thinking about visiting me that the special visitor weekends are
August 19-21 and October 21-23.
These weekends people can stay with me if they want, but if you visit any other time you'll have to find your own place, but i could possibly get the sweet hook ups for you if you let me know.
Hey Everybody!
Well...we made it. Rebs and Andrew drove me down here to Kansas City, Missouri yesterday. I owe them way more than thanks, but thanks guys for helping me out so much. What blessings you have been to me!
I'm moved in with 4 other roomies: Jericha from Colorado, Erin and Katelyn both from parts of New York, and my COM leader Joceyln. They are all so awesome! Once again God has amazing placing.
All day I've been in orientation, learning more about the IHOP base here in KC and meeting a lot of cool people. We'll be finishing up tomorrow with more info about classes and all that jazz.
WOW!! is all I can say. Monday is our day of "consecration to the Lord". We'll literally be in the prayer room for 10 hours!!!! 8am-6pm. woof dog! but I will for sure be cleansed and renewed that's for sure.
"I don't know if I can do this," is what I keep telling God, but I know He has me here for a reason. I haven't really gotten hit with the reality that I'm here and doing an internship for 6 months, but it's coming i know.
I miss all my chums back in Duluth A LOT!!!! Call ME!!!!!
I've taken a few pics of my roomies and my apt. and i'll probably post those soon!
I love you all! let me know if you need prayer for anything.
Prayer Requests:
*energy and strength to get through these first few crazy weeks
*that my heart would be open to whatever God has for me during this time with Him
Today is one of my last days here in duluth before I leave.
I was able to hang out w/ Lindsey Blake, CJ(Christina Johnson), and Leelee. My girls are worth more than a million bucks! I LOVE YOU.
Last night of youth group had a crazy twist to it. Let me recap:
"Let's all get a group picture for Kelly's last night, " says Nick.
"THROW HER IN THE WATER!!!!!!," screams Luke.
So now i'm currently trying to warm up my innerds and chillin w/ my youth leaders one last time. Check ya later.
Today was another most beautious day. i was able to stay up until 5am talking it up with Elle last night. what a 4th of July. let's just say that everyone should go to Walgreens at 4:30 in the morning, it's truly an eye opening experience.
i helped pastor nick reorganize his life today. he got a knew desk in hopes that i would stay. haha nice try PN.
i was continually lied to by several of my friends today, who so kindly planned a surprise going away party for me at Leah's. it was great! i seriously love my friends. they're the best EVER!!! i'm going to miss ya'll.
night games rock my socks off!!!
only a few more days in da'luth, it's kinda weird 'cause i'm constantly saying goodbye to peeps. i don't think that it'll really hit me until i'm actuall in kansas city and don't really know anyone. but it's all good. God will completely be with me and i'm really excited to meet new people.
i'm off to bed.
yo yo yo. today is the best day ever!
1st- It's the 4th of July. woop woop
2nd- It's Keely O'Hara's bday.
3rd- I'm beginning this most wonderful blog thingy.