i'm just chillin here at FSM(forunner school of ministry) for our weekly service. Misty Edwards leading worship and Mike Bickle preaching.
we finished up orientation today. what a wonderful feeling.
then corey russel (Days of Noah CD man) taught about fasting. totally opened my eyes. HOW AMAZING!!!(to be written about later)
it was the 1st time that all of us in the internship were able to come together and pray as well. it was so powerful.
Our internship is fairly small compared to others in the past, there are only about 50 of us this time around. Which I'm very pumped about, because then I'll possibly have more of a chance to get to know everyone's names. haha
we made our 1st trip to Walmart today. there will be no troubles w/ me not having BIG RED, 'cause my COM leader has a car. thank God!
i'm excited for what's going to happen tomorrow during our 10 hours in the prayer room. it's gonna for sure ROCK MY SOCKS OFF!!! Please be praying for me especially for tomorrow, it'll be intense.
i love you all and can't wait to hear from peeps.
let me know how you're doing!!!
with much love,
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