Kell-belle: I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY!!! And I'm so glad your in our Jesus' hands right now! oh my, SORRY, I finally found this thanx to bec. AND boy is it a joy to hear about you!! Thanks for doing this for us.. keeping us in tune. Can I be jealous for a moment? I'm so longing to be an atmosphere that thrives on God. To be swallowed in His peace. He's here right now but I want SO MUCH MORE. Halleluiah to Him-that He's stripping out the lies inside and filling you with all that is good. He's so BEAUTIFUL!! I'm growing too, those moments in the day I start to get down or feel evil, the Holy Spirit is making me more discerning where I didn't used to be. Instead of accepting condemnation I'm hearing Him say, I gave you the choice right now.. let it go, I've already taken care of it. This morning I wore a new pair of $90 Anne taylor slacks (I got for 30!) to work.. downtown, on the way there I tripped on the sidewalk (somehow??) ..landed on my knees and ripped a couple holes in them, not too noticeable but enough that it mattered.. thankfully I was able to get another pair. Not a big deal, but it just feels like God gave me a visual of what Satan's been doing to me. He knows what buttons to push on us and tenaciously sits there punching them! AARH! I'm sick of it! Ok this is getting long. I went to Sonshine this weekend (awesome but toasty!), saw Maleah and watched Switchfoot w/JB and Mark. Learned the meaning of the song 24.. he wrote it the last day before he turned 25. All my love and God's grace! ciao babe, Car
Kell-belle: I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY!!! And I'm so glad your in our Jesus' hands right now! oh my, SORRY, I finally found this thanx to bec. AND boy is it a joy to hear about you!! Thanks for doing this for us.. keeping us in tune.
Can I be jealous for a moment? I'm so longing to be an atmosphere that thrives on God. To be swallowed in His peace. He's here right now but I want SO MUCH MORE. Halleluiah to Him-that He's stripping out the lies inside and filling you with all that is good. He's so BEAUTIFUL!! I'm growing too, those moments in the day I start to get down or feel evil, the Holy Spirit is making me more discerning where I didn't used to be. Instead of accepting condemnation I'm hearing Him say, I gave you the choice right now.. let it go, I've already taken care of it.
This morning I wore a new pair of $90 Anne taylor slacks (I got for 30!) to work.. downtown, on the way there I tripped on the sidewalk (somehow??) ..landed on my knees and ripped a couple holes in them, not too noticeable but enough that it mattered.. thankfully I was able to get another pair. Not a big deal, but it just feels like God gave me a visual of what Satan's been doing to me. He knows what buttons to push on us and tenaciously sits there punching them! AARH! I'm sick of it! Ok this is getting long. I went to Sonshine this weekend (awesome but toasty!), saw Maleah and watched Switchfoot w/JB and Mark. Learned the meaning of the song 24.. he wrote it the last day before he turned 25.
All my love and God's grace!
ciao babe,
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