Sunday, July 24, 2005

what's up peeps??

sorry i didn't get to write yesterday, i was mega busy. i think saturdays are our busiest day of the week.

one of our classes, grid class, was phenomenal. Wes, one of our leaders, challenged us to do our part to seek after who God is. what it means to know the beauty of the Lord.

we're so used to a life of go, go, go and when do we ever slow down? when do we ever really apply our mind, our strength, and stop to meditate(ponder) on the bible and what it says about the beauty of the Lord.

Psalm 145:5 "I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty and Your wondrous works."

Why do we have this unspoken urgency to get through a book of the bible?

When we close our eyes, what does HE look like?

We can train our minds to apply our understanding and get revelation from a few words.

Our challenge:
REFUSE to move on UNTIL our heart is moved!!!!

Wow!! it's awesome 'cause we can take all that we're challenged w/ and take it to the house, God's house! hahaha
we can go into the prayer room for hours and reflect on the "glorious splendor of His majesty". i mean...what does that mean, and i have to really fight to be engaged and to allow this to move my heart. dang, this is so good. plus, my understanding and feelings for God are totally being ruined and rebuilt from spending time with Him.

today was my 2nd day of work and it went really well. we're such a good team together that we finished an hour earlier than expected.

we also had our intern sunday service. it was a great opportunity to work on the worship model and really go after God all together.

i'm off the rest of the night until service at 6. i'll probably take me a nap, i'm beat.

mim and rebs- thanks for the packages!
jen-thanks for saying hi and for the encouragement! keep the mim under control for me! haha
leah-thanks for the card!
I LOVE MAIL!!! haha it's so fun. thanks-o-lot
keeks- i'm wearing my beads today and thinking of you.

i hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday. be blessed.
peace in the middle east,


At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your experiance down there sounds so amazing. I will definatly be sending you mail. Especially when I go to college. Spending time in the prayer room sounds amazing! I told everyone at the Living Room that you love them and miss them. I can't wait to hear more about how God is moving in your life! Keep in Touch!

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Joel said...

Hey Kelly,

Are you okay? You are so awesome. You have such an amazing voice. I was blown away with your singing in today's worship. Have fun and I just pray that God will continue to ruin your heart and instill the truth of the living Word into you. See you in the "HOUSE"!

Blessings Kelly "Clark" Larson...jk!

At 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey hun, Thanks for calling last night it was good to hear from you. You sound busy but at least your busy focusing on God. It's good to get ruined by God Amen?! I feel your prayers and I definetely need them. Pray that Kristy (not sure if that is the spelling) gets that job and Northwood as a counselor, those girls need as much good examples as they can get, plus i need someone who can back me us as a Christian for the youth group there, these kids need God and it would be amazing to get her by my side as help for this ministry. God's hand is it though. Well I will talk to you soon! love ya and miss hasn't even been a month yet and look how much God is changing you!!!


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