Over Easter break, our team was able to go to a monastery on an island called Tautra. We had 5 days of solitude; you & God, your Bible & a journal. I found myself sleeping a lot, which is a good thing, but i guess i was physically exhausted & didn't really even realize it. tho hard at times, i'd HIGHLY recommend it to you if you've never just taken time to get away and rest in God.
how often do we separate ourselves from the every day life/rituals/etc...and take the time to contemplate, ponder God, and just rest in Him??
how often do the noises around you define who you are? vs. God's voice echoing w/in you, telling you the truth of who you are?
i found myself wanting to 'do this silence thing right'. but how? it was hard to simply sit & just be. relax & be enjoyed by God. this was a hard, but good revelation for me. how i long to be doing the 'good part' in God(which isn't a bad thing), but so often i allow myself to get carried away w/ the DOING. and then i begin to define myself by WHAT i do & not by WHO i REALLY am. i need to realize that WHO i am matters to Him more than anything, not solely what i do. He takes delight in me & i should do the same in Him.

I heard Him say to me, "Kelly, just enjoy me." so...i sat & allowed myself to look out the window for long periods of time just being w/God. looking at the fjord around me and i found myself in a new place of worship. how i delighted in God by simply, sitting, seeing, & pondering! my heart was full of praises! SO BEAUTIFUL! SO WONDERFUL!
It was timely that we decided to go the week right before Easter because i also began going through a wonderful prayer book meant for retreats called "Hearts on Fire". i took the scriptures leading to Jesus' death and resurrection and allowed them to change me. I let the prayers from this book usher me into a new relationship with Jesus. some of the lines of these Jesuit's prayers awoken places in my heart that i felt were dead. it was so great! i couldn't stop writing.
May you receive the GRACE of God...
This past weekend a group of us went to a cabin in the mountains for our Spring Get-Away Weekend. With extended times of worship, teaching on Grace & Identity in Christ & hanging out, I thought it went incredibly well. Our perspectives of God, ourselves & others were challenged, making it a time of newness and revelation.
My dear Kelly,
If we could just take time to relax and look around us, I think we all would be hard pressed to believe that someone much larger than us created all this beauty. With each flower I arrange today, I will think of you and thank God for all your work you are doing to make the world, "Stop, Look, Listen, and Believe."
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rejuvenated maybe??? ;)
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