Monday, February 27, 2006


hey hey hey,

what can i say, i had a blast this past weekend w/ leelee. we went on a semi-unexpected road trip to the cities and saw the david crowder band along w/ third day perform at the target center. it was exuberating(if that's how you spell it?). good times. good times. YEEEESSSSS!!!! we also had to splurge a wee bit and stop at the tanger outlet mall, of course! after the concert we crashed at jacobson's casa, ending the fun filled day watching the olympics on the teli. made it safe back to da'luth just in time for church this mornin!

i'm very excited for what God's been doing. He's been moving in very unexpected, yet of course, profound ways. i love that about Him. He's so very cool in that way! He's been challenging me more and more with the hard things in life. like depending upon Him, and stop trying to be self-sufficient. my goodness is nothing apart from Him. the lean upon Him. That HE is the perfect leader, i am not and not only do i have to accept that, but i have to believe it!! The LORD is my shepherd, i'm a sheep. bahhh bahhh He's the ONLY ONE who truly knows and He's the source of all things! I shall not want. i WILL be protected no matter what. What can seperate me from the love of God? NOTHING!!! it's so amazing!

the more i'm stepping out into the unknown w/ God the more i realize how much i really really need Him, and how amazingly kind, gracious, loving, compassionate, and true He is to do what He's promised to do! HE IS SO GOOD! i can't get over it. I've also been enlightened to more of the spiritual battle that we're living in daily. The more you trust in Him, the more the enemy rises up against all the truths you've known and that God's established w/in you. We're not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the pricipalities, powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this age(Eph 6:12). Man, i've been feeling the attacks, yet, God's been giving me forewarning to them and has been protecting me throughout them all. He truly is mighty in battle. i'd not want to be on anyone else's team, but God's!!!!

all of that said, things regarding the norge mission have been going well. we've been hacking through some deep grass, yet finding there is a path, and God's paved it for us! we've been able to catch up w/ several of our contacts, making that anxiety levels simmer down, and providing a refreshing hope that our mission is still very much so going to happen!!

thank you all for your love, prayers, support and friendships! what would i do w/out ya'll??!?!!

well i gotta jet, but here are a few prayer tidbits for ya to chew on:
1. wisdom as what to do regarding my hours at work
2. my future prayer and financial supporters
3. my mim-HEALING!!! she has a doctor's apt. on march 1st about her thyroid
4. continual surrender on my part to God and ALL that He wants to do in myself along w/ our team going to Norge!

TUSAN TUC!!!!(a thousand thanks in norwegian)

peace out,kelle belle

Monday, February 13, 2006's sure been a while.

i'd have to say that it's been an adventure the past month!!

God is sooooo GOOD!!!! AMEN?!?!? He's been changing me daily in my times w/ Him as well as teaching me so many valuable things through my every day encounters with people.

i've been working at Trillium Services as a job coach and it's been going very well. i'm very fortunate to be with the co-workers that i'm with as well as consumers. it's always a challenge to be doing something that you're not 100% passionate about, yet i truly see God's hand in my placement at this job. so..i go where He leads me and i follow His plans, not my own.

Speaking of His plan, I'm slowly preparing every day for the transition from the states to Trondheim, Norway. Our team could sure use your prayers for the details regarding our mission. the big and the little details are God's so i'm not worried, i'm kind of anxious though! we need a breakthrough with visas, housing, and our connections with the local church. we also MUST be covered by prayer and full of God's armor before even attempting to step into the enemies territory!! so please be praying for us!!!!!

i'm being blown away with what God has been teaching me this past month. i'm seeing the true change that He's done in me and it's really something worth getting excited about!!! I'm FREE!!! He's showed Himself so clear to me that I can honestly say that He's the ONLY ONE who can satisfy. all the other loves in my life come 2nd to HIM!!!! and in fact, these other loves have become so small in light of the TRUE LIGHT, that they're becoming not even a struggle for me!!!! PTL!!!(praise the Lord) haha thanks corey russell for that one!!

so...that's me in a nutshell. i've been enjoying my time here in Duluth and am really excited to see what God has in store for this month and those to come!!!

i'm ALWAYS up for talking so CALL ME please!!!! i miss all my homie g's @ the HOP and i'm letting ya'll know that i'm coming down for a brief visit the last weekend of this month(24,25,26th) with few friends, so i'm getting pumped for that!!!

Thanks for all your prayers!
love ya lots,