Monday, February 13, 2006's sure been a while.

i'd have to say that it's been an adventure the past month!!

God is sooooo GOOD!!!! AMEN?!?!? He's been changing me daily in my times w/ Him as well as teaching me so many valuable things through my every day encounters with people.

i've been working at Trillium Services as a job coach and it's been going very well. i'm very fortunate to be with the co-workers that i'm with as well as consumers. it's always a challenge to be doing something that you're not 100% passionate about, yet i truly see God's hand in my placement at this job. so..i go where He leads me and i follow His plans, not my own.

Speaking of His plan, I'm slowly preparing every day for the transition from the states to Trondheim, Norway. Our team could sure use your prayers for the details regarding our mission. the big and the little details are God's so i'm not worried, i'm kind of anxious though! we need a breakthrough with visas, housing, and our connections with the local church. we also MUST be covered by prayer and full of God's armor before even attempting to step into the enemies territory!! so please be praying for us!!!!!

i'm being blown away with what God has been teaching me this past month. i'm seeing the true change that He's done in me and it's really something worth getting excited about!!! I'm FREE!!! He's showed Himself so clear to me that I can honestly say that He's the ONLY ONE who can satisfy. all the other loves in my life come 2nd to HIM!!!! and in fact, these other loves have become so small in light of the TRUE LIGHT, that they're becoming not even a struggle for me!!!! PTL!!!(praise the Lord) haha thanks corey russell for that one!!

so...that's me in a nutshell. i've been enjoying my time here in Duluth and am really excited to see what God has in store for this month and those to come!!!

i'm ALWAYS up for talking so CALL ME please!!!! i miss all my homie g's @ the HOP and i'm letting ya'll know that i'm coming down for a brief visit the last weekend of this month(24,25,26th) with few friends, so i'm getting pumped for that!!!

Thanks for all your prayers!
love ya lots,


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly Larson! You are one cute chica. And your heart is truly seeking after after Him! I just wanted to say hello on here since i never leave a note after i read your blog (and i check it everyday for an update on my girl's life) and just say i love ya... hopefully we can have stir fry again sooner than later:)
peace and love lindsey b.


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