well...i'm all refreshed and excited to finish out these next 2 months strong. the break was so needed. i was thrilled to sleep in and hang out w/ peeps that stayed back. i felt as if i was in high school again. we stayed up late every night swinging at the near by elementary school. hehe what a blast.
all my homies are back, a bit tired, but still pumped more than ever to pray it up!!! God's really been teaching me a lot about His perfect leadership. that no matter what happens in my life, regardless if i agree initially or not, His plans are so much higher than mine! HE has my best interest in mind. wow!!! HE's sooo good isn't HE??
i was sad to think that a whole bunch of people were gathering from Chi Alpha for the ever so popular Fall Retreat and i wasn't able to attend. i heard it was an 'adventure'! especially w/ people breaking limbs left and right!(leah and mike i love you and i'm praying for ya) i hope that God met you all in a personal way and ministered to you right where you needed it!!
we've being busy bee's here w/ the global bridegroom fast and preparing for the woman in the prophetic conference this weekend.
sorry i can't share a ton i've gotta jet. i love you like always!
prayer requests:
destination after my internship! (What am i supposed to do!?!?!?)
for the church(esp. Duluth) to wake up and to return to their 1st love! This has been even more on my heart lately, so please join w/ me in praying for this!!!!
peace out,
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I'm living in Trondheim, Norway helping pioneer university ministry on the campuses. Come back often to stay updated with what's going on in my life.
Previous Posts
- Here's me and the girls.Most recent photo i could ...
- hello too all my peeps!i wanted to let you all kno...
- well.....HERE I AM!!!!! still alive, still breathi...
- yo yo yo,i'm realizing that i'm bad at this whole ...
- Hey all!!i'm so sure that you all thought i had ab...
- Good day!so i have this friend D, from south afric...
- howdy,just a quick hola.i'm chillin at fsm before ...
- hey ohhh!!!well, some suprising things have happen...
- Woah!! look at D's fro!! Haha. Models? Left to Rig...
- Word up!speaking of word. i've found another word ...
You need to talk to P Nicky...
Pray for my hometown peeps to wake up too, they mad sleepy.
Also, my Aunt Mary is having some bad health issues -- her prosthetic hip got infected and they had to remove it -- she may never walk again.
This is Amanda's "blog" and she has some pics from fall retreat if you want to check them out. Love you!
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