Thursday, September 22, 2005

well.....HERE I AM!!!!! still alive, still breathing! no i haven't been ignoring you, i've just been getting my brain fried from classes and learning how to die daily. so...all that said, I'm SO Sorry! i know i have SOOO many fans out there,haha, and i just wanted to apologize and ask you to forgive me, since i haven't written in about 2 weeks! yikes!!!!

it's almost the half way mark, and i can't believe i've already been here this long! holy cow!!!! it's really flown by like everything else.

i was finally able to catch up w/ P.N. and jess the other day. thank goodness, i was mising them like crazy. it was just good to chit chat and to hear what's going on way up 'der in da'luth.

i've been really challenged lately w/ all i'm learning. and it's really hard for me to not spew out what i just learned 10 minutes ago. but God's been teaching me to hold on tightly to the revelations that He's giving me, so that, in the opportune time, i'd be able to share them and allow them to go forth w/ power and pierce the hearts of those receiving it. aka, be quiet kelly! hahaha, no, i'm just realizing how powerful words are and i don't want to mess w/ what God wants to accomplish bc i'm busy rattling of new revelation that i haven't allowed to hit my heart as well as my man made wisdom. that's been so sooo sooooo good for me.

God has also been drilling me w/ the reality of the Cross. it's all about the Cross. and i don't want to go off and tell you all about what He's showing me, i just really want to intrigue you to know that we can't really know how beautiful we are until we know how truly dark we are. that we REALLY do need a SAVIOR! not to go get all depressed because of all you've done and blah blah blah, but to really reflect on who we are, "for ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God..."Rom 3:23

it's just been a really awesome/stretching/and hard process of allowing Jesus to come in and reveal my heart to me. to show me who i am, the depths of my depravity and then take it to the Cross, FOR REAL!!!! then, and only then, am i able to be free, to see my beauty only found in Christ and to pour forth true worship to this Man who died for me. and what better of surroundings to get all the crap out, than here. it's glorious! so..i'm really longing and searching out the Cross. granted, studying the very act that redeemed all creation isn't some little bible study, this is a life long thing, but i might as well start now by getting revelation of the Cross and revelation of this God Man who became sin.

so, what's been going on the past few weeks is this...we've had a spiritual warfare conference w/ over 1,000 intercessors from all the U.S. and the world!! how awesome!!!! it was really a call for a huge solomn assembly to cry out to God to have mercy on our nation. especially in this crucial time w/ the hurricanes and whatnot. a few weeks prior to the conference, and even still, i've been gripped w/ God's heart for several things. He's just been allowing me to feel a smidge of what He feels and this is ushering me into intercession. ohhh to know what God feels! wow!!!! i simply am saying 'Yes' and that's all i can do. He must lead me and determine my steps! always i could probably write until i get severe wrist problems, but i'll let you all go. i thank you all for the mail and the messages! i love you! miss you a lot! i am praying for you hard core and desiring all that God has for you to come forth!!!! be blessed. like always, keep me updated!!! i want to know how you're doing and what God's doing!!!!!

prayer requests:
*that God would be very clear w/ where, what, and when He wants me to do after this internship
*that hunger for Him and His very Word would increase
*that the revelation of Jesus and the Cross would become reality w/in me

much love,


At 4:23 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Kelly! I want you to know that I'm praying for you. I LOVE hearing what's going on down there. Amazing!! Keep pressing in, girl. I'm so proud of you!
be blessed!! ~ang

At 5:55 PM, Blogger David Andrew Gagne said...

Alive and Well
With plenty of stories to tell -
Keldog, you know you're my hero.

Sweet post today, any chance you could bring those more often?

At 4:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like hearing how things are progressing for you on this leg of the journey. blog as often as you can. check out my blog, if you want.


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