Saturday, August 20, 2005

Good day!

so i have this friend D, from south africa. what can i say besides that fact that i must marry someone from there!! haha i absolutely adore their accents!!! haha i keep telling her that i'm going to record her and then just play it over and over and over again! hehe

so, how's everyone doing! i've been enjoying myself as i'm reading everyone else's blogs. keeks, leah, drew, 'vees' and angie. it's so great! isn't this fun?!?!

i'm pumped that my mim is able to write me too. mim, i love you so much! i'm excited that yo're getting better at this whole 'computer thing'. hehe!!

i'm in the prayer room right now, and it's one of the best sets that i've heard in a while, besides misty's sets every friday that blow me away!! WOW!!! i'm taking a while to actually write this out 'cause i keep getting distracted.

i'm reading a really good book, "Deep unto Deep" by Dana Candler. it's really really good. here's a few snipets from it.

"Our great invitation is to spread wide our arms in a voluntary freefall- into the Ocean of God Himself. Every moment of every season has been lovingly designed and brilliantly arranged to bring us into the fullness of His love. Still we find ourselves in such dry times of barren prayer, feeling that God is distant from us. Yet even these times are given of God to enlarge our hearts in communion with Him. As we journey from one discovery of the Man Christ Jesus to the next, deep unto deep, we find the richness of intimacy that we were MADE for."

"He placed me on the earth on the day of my birth and said, "Now that portion of my heart may live in time and space. Now that mystery of My personality may have reflection and image.""

"He knows my frame. He loves the way He made me and does not desire in any way to contradict it but only to enhance it, beautify it and strengthen it. "

This book has just been showing me who I am to Jesus, along w/ the book of Song of Solomon.
i long for these truths to be engrained w/in my heart, never to be lost. and what will drive me to an even deeper pursuit of who He is, and from that find who I am in His eyes.

He's also been speaking to me about little props that i have in my life. those things that become little 'gods' in my life. where i'm trying to fulfill something w/in myself. it's God. i NEED God. but i find myself putting friends, ministry, food, good things in that place, yet still never really being satisfied, why? 'cause i'm trying to fulfill a place that ONLY GOD CAN FILL!!!

it's crazy to look at my life and to realize we do this in such subtle ways. well...i feel God wanting me to spend time w/ Him, but i'll just do it later, and hang w/ people now. but the awesome thing is that I don't need a person to 'counsel' me in this. i have the Holy Spirit. what better of a counselor to have?? He's showing me as well, that w/ all of these realizations, that freedom is only a prayer away. and to go to people for help and lift it up to Him.

the reason why it's so hard to go for prayer, is bc the enemy has put these little businesses in our way of truly being free and getting more of God. we're believing the lies and allowing ourselves to be hindered. Well...God wants all that hinders love Gone!!! so He's going to do whatever it takes!!! i love Him for this! WE NEED TO BE SHAKEN!!! HE NEEDS TO WAKE US UP!!!! it's so good and i'm in this place of just saying, come and wash me clean. TAKE IT ALL. no more dancing around the issues that are holding me back from getting more of you!

a crazy saying but so awesome, is that the only safe place is in the whirlwind. haha how does that work? well...God is that whirlwind, He's a crazy God! haha yet i can have 100% safety when w/ Him. He makes me lie down in green pastures. There, in Him, I have true rest and safety, yet it's a total adventure and may be scary like a whirlwind!

the scripture that's been highlighted to me recently is Phil 1:9-11.

"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."

the major part of being w/out offense until the day of Christ! what does that mean! wow! that i may agree w/ Him, in ALL things. HE's the perfect leader, i must trust Him and His decisions. that i would be in love w/ Him and love how all of His ways!

last night at misty's set i wrote down some lyrics that really hit me.
Lord, we want a raging loyalty.
What would i give for love?
May i utterly dispise all besides Your love. Nothing satisfies like You.
Baptize our hearts with fire, DESIRE!!
Because I don't wanna be offended when it's all coming down!
May we be w/ You where You are.
Set Your seal upon our hearts.
Fan the flame w/in.
Our righteousness is like a filthy rag, we can't do it on our own!

i love all of these 'cause it's the prayer of my heart! i want to encourage everyone to take some of these and pray them! it's already changed me!

thank you so much for all the encouraging convos and words. your prayers and the grace of God is how i get by. it's so amazing to know that there are people all over, speaking to God. knowing that He's so personal and so near! i long for a deeper love of God so i can in turn love you like He does!!!

be blessed,


At 3:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly... This is Liz Johnson. I just wanted to tell you that God is totally using you to bless others through your words. The changes that God is making through you is amazing. The blog before this was truly something that I needed to hear this week. I read it outloud to my roomie and I could just feel the Holy Spirit moving in my life. Thank you and I pray that you will continue to be moved by Him. Love you girl!

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kell- THis is Lindsey Blake... WAZ up! J/K... So, i was just thinking about you and checked out the blogging site and had to say hi! so hi! It sounds like God is really moving!
I wanted to just ask if you wanted to join me in prayer that i listen to God as my sister heads up to Duluth this next week. I am sooo excited to have her here and then at the same time I am afraid that we will grow far from each other because of our different beliefs about things. I just pray that because of those differences we grow closer and and that she can see how much God has an impact on all of us...
Pray that I let him use me...
peace and love girl! lindsey

At 6:54 AM, Blogger cara joy said...

Ciao bella! GOOD message-thanks! Fun fact.. yesterday my friend Liz (now officially a music teacher) and I listened to track 1 on Jason Upton's Remember cd. she's said she could tell there was a storm because the violins were out of tune! haha..

so i just wanted to inform you I am now a blogger..hehe. yeah but not much is up yet on the site.. and knowing my picture hanging habits ;)it might be awhile. n e way its... www.

And in other news.. JB and I are are planning to go to a women's bible study tomorrow for a Vineyard here the cities.. I'm so excited!

love & peace,

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, thought I would drop you my blog Addy, bookmark it or something, and CONGRATS ON MAKIN THE TEAM!!!! God bless ya! and watch out for those moist bulging goiters! haha.


At 2:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,
Ur awesome! Well it was really great getting to know you this year, I can't believe we are graduating! EEEK!! Senior year went really fast! Maybe I'll see you this summer. STAY COOL!

At 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, I miss you so much! I know you have not heard from me at all yet and for that I truly apologize, I finally got your address to your blog and I just finished reading it all. yes, that is right, I just read your ENTIRE blog in one sitting!! BOTH months! :) Wow! It sounds like God is just rocking you and I'm soooo glad to hear that your experience is just filled with so many things and that God is truly touching you. And congrats on making the house worship team-- that's so awesome Kelly!
What to say? Too much to write, but I will try to call soon. I guess the biggest news is that I am a married woman now! Yikes! But I am loving it and the wedding and honeymoon were perfect, I only wish you could have been there (to the wedding I mean! Haha). I'll try to get some pictures to you soon.
Things here are crazy as you can expect with planning for all the freshmen coming next weekend but I'm excited for it all. Seriously though, it will not be the same without you and I keep telling people that.
Well, I promise I will write more soon, but I wanted you to know that I have not forgotten you (I actually think of you quite often!) and I am praying for you and all that God is doing in your life! I love you!!!
Know you are missed tons! Thank you for all your writing on this blog, it is wonderful and I will now be a regular reader, I'm soaking it up! :) Love you again!!!
Cortney Heerwald (fka "formally known as" Cortney Kenow) :p

P.S. Brett says hi and misses you also!

At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this is Colleen nagel from back here in Minnesota. WOW I can feel that God is doing amazing things I Miss you so much, Thank you for everything your a blessing hun. your an amazin woman of God and I look up to You!!! I hope to hear from you soon>>>> Love ya


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