Chuck&Sally, Dan&Elisa, Dan&Sarah, & Nadia
All came to join us in prayer for Norway!!
I loved our time spent together! You're all
such an encouragement!

So happy to see one of my bestest friends, Elisa!
Reunited in Trondheim!

We had the privilege of meeting with several groups
of people from different churches to
pray and seek God together
What a great time of community and FUN!!

One night after a prayer meeting....
WE SAW MOOSE!!!!!!!!!

One of my dreams for living in Norway came true that night,
to see moose up close and personal. Boy were they close!!

chicken, beans & rice

girls on the town-Soroti

We had the opportunity to share in several churches
They received us w/ open arms, smiles from ear to ear and
amazing worship & dances

The guys in the village of Otuboi-
Dalmas, Magnus, Audun, Charles, & Brett

Me with some of the girls at Amuria Girls Hostel

We showed the Jesus film in 3 villages in their local language: ATESO!
It was a great time to share the story of Christ and pray for many.

The girls- Cortney, Elisabeth, Katrine & I

Learning how to crush spices

Amazing members and 'family' from Nakatunya church
We love you and you're so precious!

We purchased speakers with the help of many
people that helped us share the gospel with many people

Where we stayed

Jesus is Lord van!! whoop whoop!
This thing got us everywhere!

beautiful faces