Friday, February 16, 2007

Beautiful Levanger!

winter walk

The Berg Family + me

Singing to their mom on Norwegian Mother's Day

Multe Berry Cake. good!

Elizabeth & I

Elizabeth, I, 'mommy', Marianne


this past weekend was so great! elizabeth invited me to come home w/ her to Levanger! what a great time we had. it a time of laughing, talking, praying, hanging out, eating, eating, eating. her mom is a great cook. i enjoyed the norwegian family experience very much so! i loved the love! her family is so great & i really felt loved while i was there. i fell in love w/ her house too. it's so beautiful. all wood. i felt like i was on a retreat. a getaway. in a log cabin! hehe SO EXCELLENT!!!

a lot of things have been going on lately. the free space on our schedules seems to be dwindling, yet I'm seeing God's hand in all that we're doing, so that's a good thing. i love going to the campuses to pray for students. it's been filling me w/ so much of a burden to see people come to know Jesus. this is such a good thing, obviously! i love my norwegian class, 'cause there are over 17 nations represented. that blows my mind. and it's so cool all the conversations that i'm having w/ these people. God couldn't have led me to a better place to get to know people from all over the world!

as we're planning and deciding what's going to be going on, i'm filled w/ hope, excitement and expectation! i'm so excited for our student retreat which is coming up in the middle of march. i can't believe it's nearing the END of feb. already!! can this be true?!? in norway for almost 7 months now?!? woof! it's flown by, for sure! i'm just overwealmed w/ the need for God to change people's lives here, the same anywhere you go. but i'm just consumed w/ the need for God to transform His church FIRST and make them whole! restore them. refresh them! give them life, peace, & hope w/in. may it flow from the inside out. and that's what our retreat will be about. the inner life. what it means to allow God to transform you from the inside out! ooooo i can't wait! i love prayer. i love worship. i love to see people meet my jesus!! I CAN'T wait for fun times w/ great friends!!! yipeee....

i'm also very excited for what is to come. many questions yet to be answered, but i think that i'm going to start berean, online certification classes through AG. this will really help me to be disciplined w/ studying the Word & i'm just really hungry for more, so this is such a good opportunity. i feel it's also a wise decision 'cause i don't know where i'm going next, but if it means me being a part of ANY sort of ministry (which i'm pretty confident it will be) then it can't hurt me to take these classes. i have to investigate a bit more, but i'm pretty sure i'll be starting them up asap!

i've also been thinking a lot about finishing my bachelor's from UMD. i already have 3.5 yrs completed, so i feel led to at least look into my options for completing a degree. i already have a minor in psych. so maybe my best bet will be to do a major in psych & then maybe i only have a semester left of classes. and who knows....maybe i can take them while i'm over here in Norway!

it's just crazy to see the plans of God here. i'm working w/ students & maybe that's led me to think more about what i'm going to do, where i'm going, & also wanting to be a student again. i dunno, but what i DO know, is that He's faithful in leading me. that i've always said YES to Him, no matter where that was bringing me; to ihop & now here to norway. so if He's brought me full circle back to studying again, let it be so! i want to be a learner all the days of my life so... like always, i want to do what's best & what God's leading me to do.
i know feelings don't mean everything, but the more i think about doing these two things, the more i get excited. maybe not soo much for the 'homework' aspect, but about learning & being challenged! so...please pray for God's will regarding my education!!

theres a whole lot more, but i'll save that for another time.

ohhh...p.s. please pray that God will open up doors if I'm supposed to go to Uganda w/ Elizabeth in july! THANK YOU!!

much love,

Thursday, February 01, 2007

lovely budapest!!

why a pic of the toilet you ask?
the hole is in the front...that's all i have to say

'da team

the pillows were seriously as big as cort! haha

sweet pals from all over the globe
doing university ministry!!

'the norway team' & joyce(japan)

Diana(belguim), me, Sara(scotland), cort, Anna(scotland)

Cort & I in front of the parliment building

Cool buildings in downtown Buda

Parliment Building

Inside the Basillica's been a while and i figure it's about time that i do the usual... update ya'll on what's been going on in my life.

as of recent...
  • Cort & I both got into a language class. not the one we were hoping for, but regardless, we're learning Norwegain! I'm excited for the relationships that we're going to build w/ all the internationals in our classes. In my class of about 25, there are 17 nations represented!! woof! I've already met amazing people from Poland, Czech, & Ethiopia. God knows what He's doing! The first day of my class I was able to share my testimony w/ a girl about what Jesus has done in my life. DANG God is so good!!!
  • We had a great time with Danielle, Cort's sis, being here. we went cross country skiing w/our friend Aida(from Colombia), & besides my crappy skis, it was a blast!
  • we went to Budapest just last week. I have to say that these two cities, Buda & Pest are possibly the most stunning that I've ever come across. Not that i've been to many places in my life...but, still. The architecture and the intricate details of each & every building is simply breathtaking.
Why in Budapest?
We gathered for about 5 days, all the U.S. missionaries through AGWM(Assemblies of God World Missions) who are in Europe doing Students for Christ(Chi Alpha, University Ministry). We laughed, prayed & fasted, cried, and talked about what God is doing in each individual, as well as the country they were representing. It's so amazing to think of all those people who God has hand picked to go out and to proclaim His life into the nations of Europe. And people are meeting Jesus!!! It's amazing to come together and to meet all of these gifted & talented people & to know that you're connected to them, someway, somehow. To be encouraged, strengthened, prayed for, cared for, loved, & filled w/ faith & hope. It's so easy to loose hope & faith when you feel somewhat 'disconnected' to the bigger picture. Especially living way up North in Norway. It's retreats like these, that i'm ever thankful for. They reestablish life, hope, love, direction, faith, pursuit of the Holy, and what i'm called to do! Thank you God!

There were a few nights that I layed in bed, unable to journal bc i had so many questions running through this small brain of mine. I wish that I had brought my computer so I could just blurb it up. Well...this was for sure a contemplative time for me and it was good. I was wondering what I was doing in Europe? Where next? Do i finish my bach. degree? do i try to simply finish so i get a degree? what does a degree mean to me anyway? do i take FSM classes online? do i take berean classes? am I called to Norway for life? to missions for life? do i want to pursue credentials through AG? what do i do God? what is my role in our ministry? why did God call me to Norway? why aren't i feeling satisfied w/ where I'm at? what was I supposed to be doing? Why wasn't I feeling fulfilled? how can I make Him my everything? why am I feeling so far away from Him, yet seeing Him in so many things? how do i learn to live life after being ruined by IHOP? am I compromising how He's called me to live/be? How do i live the fasted lifestyle(not just w/ food)? Do i really want to be changed, or is just another thing I say? how do we live in true community?

yadda yadda yadda... these are only a few questions that have been racking my brain.

I knew that i'd be in Hungry at some point in my life 'cause i felt that the Lord had told me this before I left for Norway. It didn't make sense then, but here i was sitting in Budapest, Hungry, & I was seeing His divine plans, His perfect leadership over the circumstances in my life. He's completely got me where He wants me, even if it doesn't make sense to me. Yet, it does make sense somehow...i must trust. what does this look like? how do i trust Him more?

More happenings....
  • We met a great bunch of peeps who are working in Scotland, and they've invited us to come and work w/ them & check out their ministry in Aberdeen, Scotland. We really enjoyed getting to know them and I can't wait to go and chill w/ them more!!
  • God is blowing me away with all of the opportunites that He's giving us to travel. I say this so often,but I would have NEVER have thought this was possible for me, especially now. I knew I wanted to travel the world since i was really little, but there's a part of you that wonders if it'll ever REALLY happen. is!! we're lined up to go to Scotland, Spain for all AGWM missionary retreat, Brussels for CSM(College of Student Ministry for European students) we hope to bring some Norwegians to this 2 week training this summer!! And...if it works out w/ my friend Elisabeth, AFRICA!!! We may possibly be going to Uganda this summer. Please pray that God's will be done in this situation. We'll be having the opportunity to work w/, teach, pray, love many girls who are victims of the LRA and have been displaced from their family & homes. what a dream of mine!! my heart breaks and longs to see God come and bring His love, restoration, forgiveness & hope for these people of Uganda!

Prayer Requests!!
European churches & leadership-We really would love to see God come w/ His healing hand to heal the hurts, the sickness and the pain that we all know is very present in all churches today. The leaders need protection and prayers so badly!!!

Unity among the churches in Trondheim, Norway, in Europe, & the world. That God would prepare His bride to be heathly, loving, & united in His purposes.

Prayer movement in Europe. I long to see the spirit of prayer poured out upon Europeans!! LET IT COME GOD!!! Something has to change here in europe!! i believe prayer is the beginning & the answer!

here are a few pics of budapest. there are more on my picasa web album on 'my photos' link!

be blessed!