*Having fun at Karen's birthday party
*I made Elisabeth try a Reese's! hehe, not sure if she'd choose to eat it regularly!
*View from our walk to the bus of the fjord and mountains. Winter Wonderland.
*I GOT TO DRIVE!!! haha it was fun. My first round-a-bout! I'm really European now!
*HAHAHA Snow scooters rock! they're all over. i need to get me one so I'm 'in'

hei hei. so, yes, it's been a while. i don't really have any excuses, so i'll just state the truth of the matter. i'm slow!
a lot has been going on. i honestly can't remember what we've done yesterday today. either i'm losing my mind, or we're just busy.
i'm proud to announce that my passion for ireland and all my prayers to God to send me there may all be worth it after all! i was invited by some friends to go there on Dec. 15th! what an excellent bday present this would be! i hope i can go, but it's still in the makings as of now. so you could pray that i get to go. i think i'm gonna cry whenever i go there. i've dreamed of going to ireland since i was little i think. i don't even really know why?!?! i've just always had an obsession w/ it. i just hope going in the winter will be worthwhile. although, i don't care, it's stinkin ireland!!! hahahahaha i get so happy thinking about it.
i've found myself longing to travel the more i talk about it. this could become very dangerous. i have the travel bug. our team will be going to Budapest, Hungry in Jan. for a student for christ meeting w/ all missionaries in europe. it's gonna be most excellent. i for sure can't wait for that either.
the Haaviks went to London for the girls bdays and i was for sure jealous, yet, obviosuly so pumped for them. it's great to have them back. but it's somewhat of a teaser, 'cause they're only here for about another month! i'm not sure how it'll be w/o them here. i mean, they're so incredible. it's been such a blessing to have them here. and it's gone by way way way too fast. we're getting comfortable w/ our "routine" of life, and now they're leaving us. haha. it'll be cort, brett and i. i'm excited for this yet nervous as well.
i'm looking forward to the opportunites God will put us in and we'll have to step out more 'cause our 'leaders' aren't here. it'll be a great time of learning, experiencing what this is all about. what it means to minister the gospel to Europe as a team.
sometimes it's frustrating here, other times i'm knowing fully why God called me and us here. it's like i'm bi-polar sometimes. haha you could have a super good day, but by the end of it, you're discouraged and wondering where God is @?? i know there are many things that play into this. i know that spiritually speaking, it's a different feel here than it is in the states. i feel that the level of attacks are much higher and you feel the weight of everything hovering over you, most of the time. the lack of sunlight doesn't really help either! it's getting dark at like 3:45pm here. wow!! i've been feeling ready for bed at like 6pm. haha i'm a grandma, that's okay.
i'm still praying and in search of really deep relationships with people here. granted you can't expect to just step into a best freindship instantly. but that makes it hard. they never said that ministry and pioneering would be easy. what 'they' say is it's a lonely place to be in. these friendships will come w/ time. i have no doubts. but in the mean time. please pray for them to come quicker than expected. i want to be w/ people(new friends) who share the same vision as i do. who are hungry for more of God. who want to see Him move. people who are passionate about prayer. people who won't settle for anything less than experiencing Jesus. to have him come and transform our lives together. this is one thing that i'm loving about our team. i'm so thankful for having familiar faces w/ me daily. such a blessing. and people who are willing to give it all up for Him. i love that we're able to wait upon Him for direction and it's been so amazing to see where He's led us as a team.
what else....hmm...ohhh yeah, cort, brett & i were invited over to Anne, one of our german friend's house, to eat a traditional german meal. i can't for the life of me remember how to say it, let alone spell it. but it was stinkin' good!!! she even whipped up some homemade applesauce. she's a true cook.
i'm pumped for this coming up weekend 'cause our whole team is going on a retreat w/ John Koeshall, his wife Anita, and Tim Sotherland our area director for Northern Europe. i'm sure i'm gonna cry when John opens his mouth. that's usually what seems to happen. i'm excited to hang out w/ them, to be encouraged through fellowship and for John to share at our monthly student meeting this coming Sunday.
well...i probably could write another novel, but i'll call it quits now.
ha det.
Hei Hei!
just letting everyone know that i've made a link to view more pictures of what's happening here in norway. i got a bit fed up w/ only being able to download 5 at a time through blogger. so...i've now made it quite easy to check out millions of fun, and maybe not so interesting photos of every day life here in norway.
hope you enjoy!
i'll be updating this soon, i hope!
much love