Wednesday, March 08, 2006

PTL!!!! (praise the Lord) My mom found out that nothing was wrong. they just have to keep hawk eyes upon her thyroid. i'm soooooooo thankful! i love you mim.

this is a shorty, but i just wanted to write a little somethin somethin.

this week is almost overwith. thank goodness! i'm really pumped for becca's bridal party at wisconsin dells this coming up mon-wed. i love her so much, i took those days off of work! she's worth it for sure! i'm excited to relax, chill w/ me chicas, and maybe watch a few good oldies! top gun anyone? haha

i'm also going to be hooking up w/ a few ihoppers this coming up weekend!!! i'm so pumped to see keri and cathrine! we're going to be going to Rochester, MN to help w/ their prayer vision. so please be praying for all the churches that are going to be involved along w/ all the worship/prayer times! i'm really pumped!!

other than working a whole lot and dilligently doing support raising stuff, my life has been going well. God has really been using the everyday situations, good/bad, to teach me, shape me, prune me, and redefine me. it's been a hard process, still is, but it's ohh so good. knowing it's Him, it's funny, i'm seemingly okay w/ the pain and realizing the hard things about myself. i know they're only making me more like Christ and He died for me, man, the least i can do is suffer through small revelations of my humaness. my goodness is honestly nothing apart from Him. I'm learning that when I am weak, broken and raw, He is strong. He is my strength and my Rock!!!

i was very pumped to meet w/ a good 'ole chum today! Lexi!!!!!!! Lex- i love you and i'm glad that we were able to talk. just wish there was more time to really go deeper. i'm excited to see where God leads you and uses all of your gifts and passions, along w/ what you're learning at NC! be blessed chica!!!!

w/that, my eyes are bugging out of my head from staring at this screen. contacts i love you!!!!!

peace out my beloved ones!!
kelle belle

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake, He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." 2 Cor 8:9