Wednesday, August 03, 2005

love is agreement!

this is what i was blasted w/ last night from burn class.

we think that sounds truthful, but do we really believe it. i found myself balling my eyes out because of past things that have allowed me to have false ideas of who God is. i wasn't, in my heart, agreeing w/ Him when He said in scripture that He IS love, He IS trustworthy, He IS compassionate, etc.

I wasn't agreeing w/ Him because whenever a particular situation would occur, i would believe lies over who He's said He is.

let's say someone leaves you, well subcontiously you place those feelings of hurt on God. He leaves me all the time, i can't feel Him always, everyone will always leave me because You allowed this to happen God, you don't love me i guess. this is true w/ so many situations in our everyday lives. and they are lies! and right at that moment, in my heart, i'm intentionally DISagreeing w/ God.

Question: If God IS LOVE, who can take it away from Him? If love is taken away from Him, then in that very moment HE's not God for HE IS LOVE. therefore i don't know why i've believed that HE doesn't love me. that's impossible. His being is love. All of Him is eternal, therefore all of His attributes(love, mercy, grace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc.) are eternal.


"I have declared to them Your name and will declare it, that the love with which you love me may be in them and I in them." John 17:26

This is Jesus praying. How much does the Father love the Son?
What would our lives look like if we loved Jesus the way the Father loves Him? HOLY COW!!

i don't know about anyone else, but i want the TRUTH to break in and i want to love(be in agreement) w/ God for who HE is. that means, yes, even the things that disturb my fleshly mind, i must agree w/ God.

HE IS GOD! HE has no beginning, no end, and is the "I AM". He IS EVERYTHING!! wow. this is such a HUGE revelation and it's so BIG i had to share it w/ ya'll.

please, please contemplate on this. HE HAS NO BEGINNING AND NO END!!! let this ruin you. let this transform your ideas of who God is. HE'S SO BIG.

Feel the weight of how low He had to go (become a man) and how High we have been raised.

Worship will be restored when we begin to exhault Him for WHO HE IS!! it's not about us, it's about His name.

so, here is a prayer that's burning on my heart.
God, raise us up! may we have passion for Your name. We want to go higher! We want to be in agreement w/ who you say you are. you are love. you are love. we want our hearts to be moved and transformed by the revelation of who you are. Unite our hearts to fear you. to come into the agreement w/ your truth, your very Word. You are Good. you can be nothing but good! thank you! thank you! we need your grace God. we love you!!!!

another question! haha how didn't Jesus blow up? He was the exact reflection and fulness of God who has no beginning and no end? what? haha it's messing me up!

enough of this crazy talk, haha i love it! we were in the prayer room from 8am-6pm today. I MADE IT! thanks for the prayers. and now i have to vamos to listen to the history of ihop cd's.

prayer requests:
continual fire to keep seeking out the truth of God
to know Him more and more daily
unity w/in our internship

i love you!!! be blessed! let me know how you're all doing!!
much love,


At 7:02 AM, Blogger seeyaleah said...

Hi Hon,
I truely enjoy reading your blogs. They are in line with the questions that are in my head. Thanks for writing what God has been showing you. BTW, nice "y'all" comment ;o) I can't wait to hear your accent! Peace from your little Texan!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger David Andrew Gagne said...

Thanks Kelly,

You really inspire me with what you're doing there and how God is smacking you around with his love. =D

On Tuesday we fasted and prayed alongside you, and we had a prayer meeting at my place for an hour.

Oh, also, check out my blog as well,


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Joel said...

Hey Kelly,

Isn't God so mysterious! He loves to make us squirm and make us search Him out to the fullest. I love seeing the shaking that God is doing in all of us. We will shake the shimmy together! Woo Hoo! I'll pray that God will burn us extra crispy over the next 5 months. Burn Baby Burn!


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