Tuesday, August 02, 2005


haha well, if you haven't noticed, i'm busy. majorly busy. i haven't forgotten about you peeps though.

i guess i don't know where to begin. God never stops amazing me every single day. He just keeps revealing more and more of His reality and truth to me. He's taking out the old and in w/the new. it's AWESOME!!!! He's showing me who He is and the true love that He has for me. That ushers me into wanting to be w/ Him more and knowing really who I am. This leads me into prayer, desperately longing for more of Him and to simply be w/ Him. as well as desiring this for all those i know and don't know. it's an amazing thing. We can ONLY love God, because He's loved us first. WOW!!

i've been going to services and they've been rocking my socks off as well. it's just so cool to hear the hearts of everyone here.

Before, I felt as if I was a 'needy' person, which i thought to be bad. well, God haulted my false thinking and showed me that's what He wants me to be. IN NEED OF HIM and ONLY HIM!!! i'm realizing that w/o Him, i'm nothing, i have nothing. that everything that i've ever wanted, it's found in Him. When you begin to touch this, NOTHING else can even begin to compare.

I've been getting really informed of the end times as well. it's awesome to have the 2 fold focus. intimacy w/ God as well as the reality of the time that we're living in. that we're not going to just be here forever and it'll all be 'okay'. Jesus is returning and He's coming back with a fiery love for His church. He'll do whatever it takes to get His inheritence (us) back from the evil deciever. Woof!!! it opens up the book of Revelations to me in a whole new perspective. God isn't an angry God and that's why He's going to allow such chaos. He's in love w/ us and because of that love, He's willing to get revenge!!! WOAH!!! haha it's pretty hard core isn't it?

as i go to bed every night my mind is racing and i say a lot of the times, "i just can't think right now". i've gotten so many 'nuggets of knowledge' from people. that's all good, but i want the true revelation from God and that's the hard part. 'cause for the 1st time, i don't have people right along side of me interpretting scriptures for me. God is like, here's some meat, chew on it! it's tough! but it's ohhhh so good. and the reward is so much better than being fed by someone else. it changes me through the hard, rough process. it's amazing.

all that said, i could probably keep going. but for all of our sanities, i'll stop. haha

i love you all!! and do really miss you. i've got a sweet collage that i made on my bed of pictures of all of you and i don't cease to pray for you and think of you.

i'm sorry if i haven't been able to talk w/ all of you individually. but i'm trying. i'm excited that i'm playing phone tag w/ about 3 of you! haha jordan, cara, maleah. we'll talk soon enough!!

one more thing...
we're entering into a 3 day long fast, so if you could be lifting up all of those here at the base up in prayer that would be greatly apprecitated!! the 1st 3 days of every month we shut down everything and refocus. remind ourselves why we're here and corporately go after God w/ all we've got. it's stretching and all together good for us. rock on!

my prayer for all of you is this, one of the most famous prayers here in the house.

Eph 1:17-19

"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe..."

be blessed my loves,


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