We are now called: QUEST. (www.questnorway.blogspot.com)
This name has been birthed out of many things. but some include...our times spent together in prayer, discussion, meeting people & just wracking our brains to try to come up with a name that is fitting for our vision for the universities here in Trondheim. We want something that shares our hearts. so...here is a bit of what we're after:
QUEST: We are seeking the way of true Community, of Life, of Love. Passionately pursuing God. Rejoicing in the value of our existence and the wonder of our uniqueness- for we are not without a voice in this world. Impacting the future. Serving the poor and broken. Joining together on this Journey of Freedom, of Truth, of Love. Being inspired by creation, being stirred in our souls. Coming just as we are and being Transformed. Discovering meaning and purpose in our lives. Refusing to settle for self-centeredness. Being Real. Raw. Beautiful. Loving God. Loving People.
We're on a QUEST or a journey after one common goal & we're unable to do this alone. We need eachother! It's been so amazing to see the response of people when we've shared this vision with them. We began our student services and people seemed to really grab a hold of this! The atmosphere was full of excitement & people even started clapping after sharing about where we're wanting to go this year. We've been having outreaches on the campuses, handing out waffles, and many people were intrigued and have asked questions about who this 'new' group on campus is. this is EXCITING!!!!
Instead of writing out a huge long detailed description of what we've been up to, i'll just sum up the past few months through pictures...
Of course the classic jumping pic.
Thanks for the TEAM U.S.A vest mom!!!
Not only were we warm, we were united!
This year we've decided to change things up a bit & have house gatherings every other Wednesday night. we're longing for true community & so far, the times shared have been great! i feel we're starting to become more of a 'family', and that's really something special.
We have a lot of fellowship & swallowship! we make dinner together, play games, hang out, & someone will share something that's been on their heart about how God has spoken to them during the weeks. I really look forward to these nights that we get to spend together.
Elisabeth & I invited some peeps over to share our Uganda trip experiences with. We ate food from Uganda(we attempted to make it) w/ our fingers, shared pics from our trip, and had a really nice time!

Just have to say that I LOVE MY ROOMIE!!! Linn Cecilie is beyond COOL! it's seriously been such a blessing to be living w/ her + she makes me laugh REAL HARD!
so...there's just a bit. i'll post more pics soon. and...if by chance anyone knows someone who has a computer that they're not in need of and are wanting to sell it or give it away, let me know! mine is on it's last leg!
love you too, my friend!!! :D i think that you make me laugh more than i make you laugh... ;) ser deg i morgen! :) klem
trying to make food from other countries....sounds familiar :) i hope these efforts turned out better than a certain pot of *yummy* "meatballs" :) love ya kel, i am moving into my new place this week, and we HAVE to set up a time to talk. it is a very small house so no matter where i am i will be able to hear my phone ring. i will be in touch.
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