God is so good! I've been very encouraged the past few weeks by what His plans and purposes are here in Tronheim. This is obviously a good thing, but especially for us, as a team, being 'missionaries' here and all. There are struggles, challenges & roller coaster rides. but my heart has been changing since we've gotten here. I'm finding myself more passionate to see God come and change this place. It's a constant prayer of ours. I'm filled w/ God's heart for students & I long to see their lives changed & last week was another step toward seeing this happen.
on wednesday, we had a meeting w/ leaders and pastors from churches all over trondheim to talk about student work. there was also the leader of Ny Generasjon students from Oslo who came to encourage us & speak. we shared a meal together, had great conversations/discussions, & prayer! i felt that I 'signed up' again! meaning...i was filled w/ hope, faith, passion, excitement, and longing to REALLY see Jesus made known to students here!
on thursday, we had a service @ Salem church with students from all over the city. again, the prayer time was very powerful & it was amazing to see so many different campuses were represented! We were motivated to be heros who think of others! to reach out to those around us and to allow God to open up the opportunities for us.
Elisabeth is the coolest! haha what a great opportunity to be w/ old & new freinds! we had a great time @ Elisabeth's house last week. playing games, singing, being goofy & sharing life! as you can see, we're quite mature. but somehow i fit right in!!
i'm also so excited to say that Elisabeth & I are FOR SURE going to UGANDA!!!! we're going to be going for possibly 1 month, June19th-July 18th. we're in the process of figuring out the best tickets, but we're going! we're going!! it's been so crazy to see how every open door that we've asked for, HAS SWUNG open! i see God really allowing us to be used & to do His will in this place. we'll be doing several different things there. but we're most excited to minister to the people there, especially @ an all girls school. we'll be teaching practical skills (how to use microsoft word), but also teaching from the bible and how to play the guitar & sing worship songs, to feed their spiritual needs! i feel so blessed to have this opportunity, especially 'cause these girls have all been victims of the the civil war and have been displaced from their homes, families & friends. my heart longs to for them to be healed emotionally, physically, & spiritually. what an amazing time it's going to be!! i'm also REALLY excited to experience the culture, be in the villages & be w/ the people! WOW! the more i write, the more excited i get!! so...please be praying for us! for protection, for wisdom, for guidance, for love to flow from us, for finances, & for our preparation time!
luv ya'll!
Hello dear Kelldog. Good to hear from you. I am back in the cold north again. It's so cool you're having such a great time! Luv u!
Oh my goodness, I don't even know what to say! This is all SO AWESOME. I'm so proud of you guys!
The Retreat sounds fantastic! Our first student retreat was in November, so I know exactly how excited you are to see your students respond to God and seek Him, not to mention the wonderful fellowship. I love the pics from retreat. I wish I could meet all your friends cause they seem so cool! I think my fav caption is the one where you called a cup of coffee a "stimulant." Hahahahah So funny. I'm definitely stealing that one.
I can't believe you're going to Uganda! Amazing! You're going on a mission trip while you're on a mission trip. You rock.
P.S. You use so many exclimation marks. I love it :o)
linedance and salsa? i'm speechless, you dancing queen!
and i must say: the trip to vassfjellet was stinkin' awesome dude!!!
YESS!!! PowerUno!!! You have no idea!!! This should all be in caps but it isn't!!! World-wide, I love it!!! Thanks buddy for keepin' it real.
du er faktisk tatt i sisten, snuppa. sjekk bloggen min for mer info.. :P reglene står på nynorsk!! we like:D
Kelly! I'm so happy for you. I know Africa was a desire of your heart and I'm glad to see God has blessed you with that. Be prepared to leave part of your heart behind (Dr. Livingstone left all of his). I couldn't imagine a whole month, I was only there a week and it felt like I was having part of me amputated. But a whole month in Africa! And it's good to hear that your ministry in all that snow is going so well. I'll keep you and everything you're doing in my prayers.
Hey Kelldog!
If you need a place to live for the year to come, you are welcome to live with me!:) I`ve actualy got 2 free rooms.
Ninni (Ragni)
Dude, cool stories, but for real, your hair is getting LONG!! Let's chat soon, luv ya, E.
hallais, is this working?? Just cheking :) Elisabeth
Ok, so it works. Kelly, you are a wonderful person. I am so happy that we are friends, and I am so excited about going to Uganda together with you. Love peace and harmony, Edog ;)
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