Hope everyone found themselves blessed & filled w/ the fullness of Life that only Jesus can bring on EASTER!!! I thank the God-Man, who died & rose again for US!!
so...yes, yes, i'm not even sure how many peeps check this blogeroo, but i haven't updated bc we've been crazy busy. that's always my excuse i know, but IT'S TRUE!! so instead of boring all w/ what we've been up to w/ words, i'll share some pics. i've posted a bunch on facebook as well, tho i know not EVERYONE is a part of that crazieness!!

w/ Brook(Brett's sis)
We had an AMAZING time traveling around Norway!! We took a short little trip that led us to see over 17 different fjords! We saw mountains, waterfalls, the ocean, many small towns, & every form of weather imaginable! Truly an experience i won't ever forget!

right before a HUGE wave hit us & 'rocked the boat'!
It was fun, yet i was glad to be on steady ground
afterwards! I LOVE MOUNTAINS!!

on the day that it DIDN'T snow!
The Haaviks are here visiting!!! I've been so excited
to spend time w/ my long lost sisters again!
What a great time to be w/ the girls & the
whole FAM!

We decided to have another adventure w/ the haaviks, so we
took a ferry into the fjord, just to take it! HAHA
it's free, so we could've ridden it back & forth, but we
didn't! but...we were the ONLY crazies out on the
deck freezing our butts off! it was great fun &
worth every moment of it!
took a ferry into the fjord, just to take it! HAHA
it's free, so we could've ridden it back & forth, but we
didn't! but...we were the ONLY crazies out on the
deck freezing our butts off! it was great fun &
worth every moment of it!

Celebrating Easter on the Campuses!


have a nice trip to barCCCCCelona schnuppi!!! enjoy spain, and when you come back we'll celebrate the norwegian nationalday like no one has done before!!! klemklem
welcome back home:)
Kelly! What fun pics! You are becoming Norwegian, aren't you. :) Hope you're doing well, and keep lovin' Jesus! You're doing a great job sista'.
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