well i figure since i won't be around much this summer, i better update what we've been up to, along w/ what the future holds.
since my last post was in mid-april, (too long ago, that's for sure), here's whats been going down.
late april, amazing Amanda & Maleah came to visit us. Amanda had been studying in Italy & Maleah in Spain. what a blessing it was to see familiar faces in Europe. We had great conversations & a lot of laughs! i love you girls!

last week of april, we had the opportunity to head over to Aberdeen, Scotland. we met up w/ some sweet action missionary friends who are doing Students for Christ in Scotland. They've been there a few more years than we have, so we sucked as much info in as possible to apply to our ministry back here in norway. it was so awesome to spend time w/people who are doing the same thing as we are. they know& can relate to all our struggles & our joys. we got to see a castle and of course, took some fabulous 'jumping' pictures!!

a week after scotland, we had the privledge & obligation to attend the All European Retreat in Spain. over 500 missionaries from AGWM Europe came together for 4 days of fun, prayer, encouragement, & reunion w/ old friends. We met many people who are doing amazing things for the Lord all over Europe. it was a 'never forget' experience. plus...we got to do some extra traveling around spain & it was so nice to see the sun for once! hehe
after returning from spain, we celebrated Norway's Independance Day on the 17th of Mai! it was so fun. the tradition is to eat lots of ice cream, hotdogs, wave your norsk flags & watch the neverending parades!! we had a blast. everyone dresses up in their traditional outfits,'bonad'. it's quite a site.

the end of great year! we had our last student service on the 19th. Cort, Brett & I all shared about the past, the now, & the future. we're so glad to see the way God has moved in hearts of students this past year, to see them changing daily, but we're also expectant for more in the year to come. we've been talking a lot about different ways to reach out to our community in Trondheim, but also the world. how can we be do'ers of the Word & follow the life of Jesus, especially when it comes to tough issues in this world like poverty, war, injustices, etc. it'll be exciting to see where God leads us in the next year!
PLEASE PRAY for the students! that they'd continually be seeking more of God & living lives of love & service. for their exams to go well & that they woudn't be too stressed, for those moving to other places, for those working this summer, & for those who need Jesus on the campuses! that God would make himself known to them.

we then hit the books. with the end of the semester nearing, we had our norwegian finals just last week, on the 25th. we had a 10 min. oral exam & then a 3 hour written exam. that's all i'm going to say about it!haha hopefully we passed! & we're DONE!!! (at least for the summer!)
this past saturday, to celebrate a great semester & year, we had a "Feast of Nations". we invited as many people that we knew to come over & bring a dish to pass that was from their homeland! i think we had about 10 different nations represented! so cool & fun! just a great time to chat & get people together! definitely going to do this again!! it was sad to say goodbye to friends who were only studying here for a year, but hopefully we'll see eachother again!

PLANNING! PLANNING! PLANNING!!! this week, Cort, Brett & I have been planning for next fall. it's been going really well. a lot of unknowns, but we're fully confident that the Lord will lead us & show us where HE wants us in the right timing. i'm filled w/ excitement for some of the opportunities we'll have on the campuses next semester. we pray that there will be more open doors in the relationships we have now, but also to meet new freshmen in search of a community.
as far as the future...
WE'RE MOVING!!! so sad, yes, we have to leave this amazing blessing of a home. but we're headed to places closer to the sentrum so we can be closer to the campuses. i think it'll be a good move, but sad to leave our wonderful, wonderful landlords, OJ & Annette!! I LOVE THEM!! but...we know where they live, so we won't be strangers. I'm headed into a place w/ a norskie friend, Linn Cecilie, & Brett & Cort are still in search for a place downtown. so please pray that they'll get a place ASAP!
this saturday will be the last time i see Cort & Brett for 2 whole months!! dang! *tear* my 'mommy & daddy' are leaving me! haha
i'm headed w/ linn to Sognefjord(amazingly beautiful, huge fjord) & Bergen & while i'm away they're headed to the states for a month.
6 days after i return from Bergen...

UGANDA HERE WE COME!!! In 17 days i'll be in AFRICA!! From June 17th-July 17th, Elisabeth & I will be booshwacking through Uganda w/ adventures everywhere we go. I'm so excited. We've been planning, praying, & screaming 'cause this is ACTUALLY happening. one of my dreams, coming true. it's so sureal.

we'll be doing so many things there: i'm excited for the experience of the culture through a traditional ugandan wedding, we'll be doing mission work, teaching, preaching @ an all girls school in the north, visiting some orphanages & haging out w/ Elisabeth's friends, just finding ways to bless them! the more i think about it, the more i get a heart for the people there, and i haven't even BEEN there yet! we're so open for whatever God wants & we just pray that we'll be led by Him EVERY SINGLE step of the way. He truly has opened the doors for us to go & has really shown us His provision. it's amazing! i also can't wait to experience the bush, the villages, their lifestyle & it's for sure gonna be crazy hot, so i'm gonna get my 'sun fix'! please pray for protection & safety in everything we do. especially for travels!

so...that's a whole lot of news, but it's just so amazing to see how God has been in all of these things. i've always dreamt of traveling, but who would've thought the time was NOW! i thank Him for all these amazing opportunites! it's stinkin' great!
so, my next blog will probably be when i get back from Uganda. i'll have lots of stories & lots of pics, guranteed! so...i bid thee well!
wow arnt you just a world travler!!! me maggie and sarah want to come visit you next year!!! wouldnt that be fun (it was my moms idea)!!! hope all is well with you!!
Kelldog, thank you for the massive update on your life! I miss you face like oreo cookies miss milk. I hope you're having an excellent time in Uganda. I will now stop and say a prayer for you.
love you
i miss you..
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