Monday, April 03, 2006

Hello my dear friends,

so, it's been a while, like usual, but i thought i'd update ya'll what's been going on in me life.

i'm happy to say that the weather here in duluth has been getting nice and i'm so excited for the sun to come!! i was able to go on a hike this past week, and it was so freeing!

i'm still chuggin along at trillium working as a job coach. it's a challenging, yet rewarding job. it's definitely brought out a lot of things that were in me that were on the service. God has been using this time to build me, shape me, and change me. He's really been working on patience, kindness, and showing me my "junk" according to Pastor Ryan. it's sooooo good, yet it's hard, but i'm loving it. He's always willing to use our everyday lives to shapen us!

i'm so super duper excited to go to my 2nd home this coming week-IHOP!!!! a group of us from duluth are going down during the Israel Mandate conference. several peeps going to the conference and several of us just chillin. I'm thrilled to see old intern chums and spend some long hours in the prayer room once again.

Norway update-
We're still in the process of getting visas and praying for fast delivery w/ the papers so we can get to Norway by our planned time-end of July.
Finances are going well, i'm simply hacking through the process of making brochures, prayer business cards, and personalizing letters to be sent to all those who i long to sit down with and reveal this God vision to.
God has been so faithful in blessing me w/ random gifts and acts of love through others! thank you Jesus for your beautiful and extravagent love! It's amazing!
We still don't know where we're going to live (which is a neccessity, i think?!?) so please be praying that God will help Trond(our contact man in Norge) find places for us and doors will continue to open.

With all the craziness, i would still have to say that God is so amazing. He's given me this crazy awesome peace. even though there are so many walls, and seemingly HUGE mountains to climb and overcome before all is in place, i'm leaning on Him. He's the one w/ the vision. He's the one w/ the heart, i've simply said yes to His call. He's the one to get the "impossible" done! For with God ALL THINGS are possible!!! I'm so excited to see what He's going to do! Every day is a simple yet extraordinary testimony of who He is and His love.

This weekend was a blast! i'm happy to say that jordan, becca, cara and myself all had a sleepover on friday! hahaha just like old times! i love my girls!! i truly love and cherish you. you have no idea what you mean to me!
I was also able to spend some great time w/ Rebs and go down to the cities to pick up Ophelia from Nicaragua. it was an adventure for sure!!! we were able to go to the mall of america and walk around for a bit. ohhhh man, guess what we saw?!?! An Elvis contest! HAHAHAHA hillarious!!! All these guys dressed up like Elvis and competing to see who made the best Elvis! hahaaha please, i never want to see that again!

well...i best be going. God is good, ALL THE TIME!!!!

love ya lots,
kell belle


At 11:22 PM, Blogger David Andrew Gagne said...

Keldog, when are you getting hooked up on Skype? Search for my name in skype and you should find me. We'll both have to get cheap webcams so we can do video conferencing too...

I'll make faces at you!


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