well...it's almost been a week of norskkurs(norwegian class)and i'm pretty much fluent. haha yeah right. Nei,jeg snakker litt norsk(i speak little norwegian).
dude, this language is hard! i think we're doing well, but i wish i could carry more than a 2 sentence conversation w/ someone. there are a lot of germans in our class(for foreign exchange programs) and they've been able to pick up norsk very easily. we've met several and I'm partners w/ a girl named Anne who just laughs at our accents or lack there of, and our inability to pick up the lang. it's been fun getting to know her and she has really been helping me out. yet..i am constantly reminding myself that we've only been studying this for a week. we have been in class from 9-2 every day. and at night we have about 2 hours of homework to complete. it's tiring yet i'm really enjoying our class and i'm excited to see how much i retain after 3 weeks!
it's really fun to be on the campus w/ students too. we've been meeting quite a few internationals and will meet more on our weekend trips for lang. class. this sat. we're going hiking in the mountains.
other than being consumed w/ norwegian nouns, numbers, and verbs, we seem to be doing well. the weather here has been god(good) and we've been able to go swimming in some lakes.
we've been so welcomed by our friends living below us. it's great to have norwegian friends who don't get impatient speaking to you, when you're speaking like a 2 year old. ole and annetta are amazing! they're mr. and mrs. fix-it too! they've been working hard on our house and are repainting right now.
i'm looking forward to praying w/ more students in the church and to see where God leads us in pioneering campus ministry. for now we're in the building stage w/ prayer, prayer, prayer and relationships. God has provided all of our needs and more! we met a girl who was moving, so she decided to give us some of her old stuff! He shines His face upon us in the most random ways!
well...i best be on my way. it's time for me to eat some dinner. brod og ost!!! (bread and cheese)
Thursday, August 03, 2006
I'm living in Trondheim, Norway helping pioneer university ministry on the campuses. Come back often to stay updated with what's going on in my life.
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You rock Kel. Norsk it up. Way up.
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