Hey there,
just a quick update from the mountain side. We've been going, going, going since we've been here. trips to IKEA, Smart Club, working on our house, going to Betel church, town center, reuniting w/ old friends and meeting a ton more!
we went to the police station today and waited for about an hour and 45 minutes today to get our official transcripts-work permits in our passports. everything went swell, except Cortney, Brett and I had to be at the main NTNU-Gloshogon campus at 12 for our lang. class. we didn't get out of the police station until 11:45 and it's on the other side of town, on top of us trying to figure out the bus route!! haha we thought we'd be right in line of the bus that would bring us to the campus, but we were off by an hour!
so we had to run to the next stop(about 5 blocks) to get the next closest bus before we were left in the dust! haha it was hillarious. we then had to treck up a vertical(practically) hill for about 15 mins. to get to the campus! wooof!!!! what an adventure. we made it 30 mins. later than need be, only to find out our "official class" didn't begin until 1pm! haha we felt like dorks, but it was still fun.
i'm looking forward to our lang. class. the majority of the class is from Germany, with about 23 countries represented in all. we're the only 3 from the U.S. we've been split up into 5 or 6 groups and from there we go on excursions at night and on the weekends throughout the country. For 3 full weeks we're going to be eating, breathing, sleeping and learning Norwegian. Every day our classes are from 9am-3pm(15:00). With "field trips" in the evening. Next weekend, we're going camping! i'm so excited to meet people, learn norsk, and be able to finally understand people, somewhat.
everything has been going great. we had an awesome time of prayer last night overlooking the mountains and the sunsetting. it's truly an amazing view and God has been so good to us. we can't cease to give Him praise for all HE's done to get us where we're at. we've been contending for cortney who has been very sick. she was sick before the flight over, but her ears haven't unpopped from the landing in Amsterdam. it's been a set back for her bc she can't hear anything and is always saying,"WHAT?" so PLEASE be praying that God heals her hearing and restores her health!
I love the walks every morning. they've given us great times to get to know eachother as well as pray for the city as we go from one side to the other. our house is about a 45 min. walk to town center, so it's a ways, yet it's refreshing to walk a lot. although, i'm coming down w/ a horrible case of shin splints, so please pray they go away miraculously. it's hard to walk 'cause it feels like someone hit me in the shins w/ a bat, yet all we do here all day long is walk!
rebecca and chuck are flying out early tomorrow morning to go to Brussels for 12 days. i'm so excited for them. they're getting together w/ student for christ missionaries from all over europe. cort, brett and i wish we could go, but we have our norge classes. please pray that their flight goes well and that they have safe travels.
well..i'm tired from a long day, i pray that you find yourself doing well and that you'd drop me a note when ya get some time! i love you.
Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm living in Trondheim, Norway helping pioneer university ministry on the campuses. Come back often to stay updated with what's going on in my life.
Previous Posts
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- I feel so blessed to be a part of this day!
MISS YOU KELLY!!! I spent some time with some Irish friends at my family reunion...I loved talking to them..i told them someday I was going to go to Ireland with my friend who is in Norway...some day Kelly...some day..love ya
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