Friday, July 28, 2006

12:30AM Trondheim

That's for Rebs, and for ya'll so you know what time it is when i'm writing all of this jazz.

Day 1.5 in norway.

we all slept in, prayed together, found that our luggage is still lost, and then set out on an adventure into downtown Trondheim by foot, taking us about 45 minutes w/ a few stops here and there('cause we got lost, not to take pics of the scenery), so it'll probably take 30 mins. walking briskly(ewwwww!!!). it was an exciting event to say the least.

we made our way past the university-NTNU and then onto "Nierous Dooman" one of the largest churches in trondheim used for tours and events. there is a pilgrimage festival going on now celebrating all the travels of many people long ago who traveled far distances to come to this church in seek of God. it's sad to think that this place is scarcely used for worship anymore. but the cool part was that we saw guys jousting in the front, sweet dude!

after some sites to see, we found ourselves in the town's center w/ many exciting shops and cobblestone streets. we exchanged all US Dollars into Norwegian Kronars w/ an exchange rate of about 6.1(which is bad for us, but what ya gonna do). it's crazy to think that i have no need for the american dollar anymore...

we found some food and then onto the bus station to pick up some passes. made ourselves look like tourists w/ our maps, english, and attempted norsk. then rode the bus home, getting lost only once, only to find our street only a few feet ahead.

what a looooooong day. we had a bit of time to rest, watch a storm roll in w/ lightning and thunder and then out and about again!!!

IKEA!!!!! i think this was the longest time i've ever spent in a single store. we've had some success w/ purchases. it's so sad, but we're having to re-buy almost everything we've owned in the states. beds, lamps, bedside stands, mirrors, pots, pans, towels, decorations, pillows, the list goes on and on. it's great to get new stuff don't get me wrong, especially from IKEA,but's so expensive here, even the cheap stuff is a lot!

we've been so blessed by our host family. they've provided so many things for us these past few days it's not even funny! they're SO AMAZING!!!

i'm feeling tired, yet energized, if that makes any sense. i'm glad to finally be here, but i'm excited to get settled in 'officially', get my luggage, unpack all my stuff and make this room my own. i'm not really looking forward to language classes quite yet, 'cause i'm still jet-legging and a bit overwealmed w/ all the transitional stuff, yet i'm loving it all as well!!

God is sooo good. i love this community and the heart we have. He's so strategic in His plans. this is for sure where He wants me. I would NOT have been able to make it here w/out His provision and His call. thank you my Jesus! PTL!

well...i best be on my way to bed, i love you all.

let me know how you're doing!



At 8:19 PM, Blogger cara joy said...

Hi Kelle Belle!

Thanks for the update so soon... it looks like you have a pretty sweet set up! I hope and pray your luggage shows up and the adjustment to life there continues to be smooth. I'll try to start actually using my blog site now so you can know what I'm up to if I'm not able to talk to you for awhile. I had the IKEA experience in Italy too... and then had to leave alot behind. I've decided to do a thorough wipe out of my room today.. we have to much stuff!!
I got a cold again this week and last night we threw Katie's shower/bachelorette party.. so I'm pretty wiped out too. I just found out a good family friend has blood cancer (multiple myloma) doesn't that sound wicked? All cancer is wrong but it just seems worse to have it in the blood.

On a brighter note a started a sweet beth moore bible study with some ladies from church on Galations and walking in the Spirit and I'm really excited about it and I'm just really thankful that God gives us His wisdom and understanding in this life. What a privalege!
Take care hun I LOVE YOU! GOD BLESS!

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