Saturday, September 02, 2006

Merry September 1st!

hvordan gar det?

unnskyld jeg har ikke skrive. (sorry i haven't written, i think!)

we've been pretty busy the past week and it's been great! i have to go through the whole week to help myself remember what we've been doing.

monday we were on gloshaugen's campus meeting w/ students. we were able to plan some events which is always exciting.

tuesday we were on dragvoll's campus meeting w/ more norsk students. we have better relationships w/ these students just because some of them already go to Betel church, so we've been in more contact w/ them. again we were able to pray for the campus and plan more events w/ them.

wednesday we had some friends from our lang. class over to our house. it was so much fun. i love them! they're so fun and great to be around! we learned a new card game, kinda like nertz. i'm pretty competitive(in a healthy way), and this game is all about speed and who can get rid of their cards 1st, so...i went crazy inside!! haha it makes you all nervous and intense! at least for me! haha it was real fun. i'm excited to hang w/ them again sometime real soon!

and today we helped an on campus christain group Ny Generation make waffles and hand out coffee on campus. i have to say that mixing 10 liters of waffle mix in buckets is a workout! haha

so..that's what we've been doing recently as well as resting and spending time together as a team praying for God's leading as to where we're to go and what we're to 'officially' do. we'll be meeting w/ a few students and leaders this coming thursday to dream together and get a grid for what our purpose is here!

my heart has been so encouraged by many people from back at home as well as from some sermons i've downloaded from ihop. so thank you for your encouraging words, it means so much!!!

i've really felt like i've been in a rut lately, actually for a while, but it's been good in a weird way too. i've met God in ways i wouldn't have ever been able to if i wasn't going through what i am. (did that make any sense?)i felt that i've never had a harder time in my life than right before i came here to norway, but yet God was so close and leading me the whole time. it's a strange feeling. the only thing i can relate it to is when i was preparing to go to ihop. strange...knowing now that these 2 places are where God has wanted me to go, no wonder it's been a struggle! HAHA i just had a lightbulb go off. my destiny is being played out and yet i'm not in control! wow! but there is a true and real battle for my destiny, my heart and my soul. *ding, fries are DONE!*

He longs for us to be leaning on Him and not ourselves, SCARY, but it's meant to be! yet it's amazing to think that even when i felt so far away from Him, at the same time, i felt Him so close.

i know God has many plans to move here in norway, and i long to see them, FOR REAL! i long for Him to reveal Himself to people and for students to truly come to know Him. i want it to go past what people know, but i want them to experience this God i love!!

sometimes on the bus i watch people, think about their lives, their joys, their excitements, their hurts and pains and wonder, is it worth it? is it worth little old me flying all the way across the world to be here. there are so many people! The harvest is plentiful, especially on the campuses!

but that's it. it's not about me. it's about Him. it's about our Great God using broken and weak willing people to transform others! Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send out laborers. i'm constantly reminded of His heart.

Jesus saw the multitudes and had compassion upon them. for he saw that they were like sheep w/o a shepherd. He is the perfect leader, the sheperd that they're in need of. yet how many truly know that they're in need? or care? how often am i confronted w/ my lack? do we even realize we're lost?

His passion for His people blows my mind. Unto death for love.

His love reaches to the heavens! it's for ALL and He's called us to be bearers of this love. if that's all i do, i long to love well. i long to show people Him through love. i have to face the fact that w/out God i can't love. so my biggest prayer has been, God, give me more of you! i need YOU!! i am nothing w/o you, for real! i'm lost, broken, weak and can't find my way. HELP!

he comes every time and comforts me in times like these. not always the same ways, but he's near, i know it! He loves me well and i have the best teacher to learn from on how to love!

on a different note, one thing i've really been missing from ihop is being able to sing. i guess i didn't realize how much it was a part of who i am. i mean, i'm always singing little ditties here and there, but singing the word and having it live inside of'm really wanting that right now!

so i was thankful for tonight @ UNBAD, it's like a youth group but some college students go, but they had some really awesome worship! and time of just singing whatever you wanted, ahhh so glorious!!! so i'm soaking up all of those times for sure!!

...i'm a wee bit tired, even though i took my daily nap and it's going on 1:30am! yikes! but thankfully i get to sleep in tomorrow!

i hope everyone is blessed and doing well. i hope to have some more pics up sooner than later!

peace out.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Becca Ray said...

Hey my K-dog! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you and that "ding! your fries are done". I miss having whatever song you sang in the morning running through my head the entire day.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Elisa said...

kel, I miss you. let's talk soon. I miss people I really know well, and you're one of 'em.

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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