Monday, August 14, 2006

jeg er sa trott! (i am so tired)

this past weekend our language class traveled to Selbu, Norway. it's about an hour away by bussen.

it was beautiful! there were 8 cabins lining the side of a hill, each person got their own individual room w/ a bed, sink, desk, lamp, and closet.

we had an amazing salmon feast friday night! amazing!!! we were able to hang out and talk w/ many internationals, play kubb again(the block game), go swimming, go canoing, rest,go hiking. so many fun things to do.

on sat. we decided to go on a hike to a lake. noone had ever been there before, so we just followed the trail hoping we'd get there eventually. haha that was fun, until i stepped in a huge mud hole and my shoes got full of crap and were wet from then on out. haha

we made it to the lake after a 45 min. UP HILL treck! what a good time. it was blazing hot, but it felt so good to jump into that cold lake!

while some people decided to go back, a group of us saw a mountain in the distance and decided to be brave and pursue it's heights! ohhh man...

so, for another 2 hours, we hiked vertically up this mountain! haha the whole mountain side being covered w/ blueberry bushes like mad!

from our adventures i managed to get hurt(like usual) on a twig of somesort and was bleeding all over. haha i laugh, because i didn't even notice i was bleeding until brett said, "Kelly, look at your leg!" oops. but i figured it wouldn't have been a true excursion w/out me getting damaged somehow!!

when we FINALLY made it to the top, it was the most amazing view ever! it literally took my breath away(or maybe that was the hike up!) I sat there and was swallowed by the beauty of our Creator. and i couldn't help but ask myself, who can't believe that my God is real, look at this!!!! it was a most glorious experience.

on the way down, we met w/ our good old friend mr. rain! that was rough, but i liked it better than going up! haha

i pretty much felt like i never wanted to walk ever again after that, bc if you recall, i'd had a pretty painful time w/ shin splints a few weeks ago. so...wisdom, would've been to not hike all the way up the mountain, but i didn't want that to stop me, so i did it anyway. or not, i'm still able to get around w/ minimal pain, so that's a good thing! PTL! w/ just a few scratches on my leg and arm to monument our accomplishments!

well...back to my 1st comment, jeg er trott! i'm tired due to the fun, yet exhausting weekend along w/ having to wake up quite early again for a final week of norsk!

it's a weird feeling thinking that you've studying a language for 3 weeks and you can't really really speak it. but that's okay, i'm considering myself as a kindergartener/1st grader, that helps me to put things in reality. like brett said today though,"I can't wait until we're fluent!" haha that'll be so nice, but that's gonna be for a long while!

anywho, i've blabbed enough. hope all is well w/ everyone.

ha det bra!
