Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"i'm so excited, i just can't hide it!!"
in about a week i will be headed off to Ireland for my birthday, on my birthday, the 14th. could it get any better?

on top of that, i get to see maleah who has been studying in spain, and mike who has been studying in england. seriously, the lord is so good!

upon our return(mike is coming to trondheim for christmas, etc.) we'll be spending this christmas away from family and friends, but w/ new family(cort, brett & I) and w/ new friends(mike, and karl-axel(our pastor) invited us over on Dec. 24th)!!! i'm excited to experience something new and to join in on a traditional norwegian holiday.

it's pretty much been a month since i've written and a lot has gone on!
we've had a great student service, have been able to spend time together as a team praying and planning, and we've been hanging out w/ a lot of students. Going to their prayer meetings have been great times of encouragement!

we're in the process of things calming down now due to the holiday season. but in January, things will be up and at 'em! we're planning on beginning student small groups, hopefully getting into another norsk class at the university, increasing our student services from once a month to twice. and the list just keeps going. the Lord has really opened a lot of doors and opportunities for us w/in such a short period of time. granted, we need wisdom as what to do and when to do it. the last thing we all want is to be burned out w/in 5 months of being here. so please pray that we'll be lead by the Lord as what to do w/ our time, and what to invest into. i'm so thankful for all the relaionships we've made w/ amazing norwegians!! they're seriously so great! i love their hearts to do the will of God and to be lead by Him.

this past weekend at Betel church there was a mini-conference called "Breakthrough". a missionary from Germany from Betel church came and preached during this time. it was a great time of worship, preaching, and allowing God to really speak to us. i simply pray that we'll continually be reminded of the areas in our lives where God wants to breakthrough with His power & Holy Spirit. the places that we need to be set free from. to revive us where we're sleeping, and for the fire w/in to continually be burning for more of Jesus DAILY!!!

since it's officially christmas time, i have to admit that i've been listening to some christmas music. i'm trying not to overdo it, but it helps when it's 2:30pm and it's dark outside. makes you a bit more cheery!!

i love you all and be blessed!


At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

party at Saturday sounds great. There's a slight possibility that I might have to help a friend of mine to move some things to his new apartment that day..but I think I will make it. Was it Risvollan ? I might have to get the address,hehe

At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey,kel dog this net to talk to you
while i'm typing to you lov mim

At 1:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try again this is neat to talk to you and write at the same time luv you alwaya mim

At 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is your immunzations:DPT dates
2/10/84,4/13/84,6/7/84,7/19/85,6/19/85;Td 9/1996; Hep "B" 6/19/95,7/19/95,12/20/95; polio 2/10/84,4/13/84,7/19/85,6/19/89;
MMR 3/18/85,8/3/92; meningococcal 8/6/02, TB test 2000. had chicken pox 5/89. love mim.


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